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Germans Claim First Blood in Team Rumble

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ARMY GROUP B NEWS-SHEET, 18 December 1944 (Morning Edition) - Obergefreiter Fritz Brandt, known far and wide throughout the Reich as "the Volksgrenadier with a Heart of Gold" successfully led his squad of sturmpioniere in a daring assault on an enemy held bridge in the Ardennes this morning.

Veteran American paratroops, lavishly armed and in the midst of preparing a bridge for demolition, had their plans expertly foiled by a few short bursts from Brandt's machine pistol. With sharpshooter accuracy, he felled four GIs and destroyed two armoured trucks.

Lightly armed German troops operating in the Ambleve Valley are reported making terrific progress against superior American forces.

German troops have taken the offensive all along the Western Front and have caused serious alarm among the American, British and Canadian Armies.

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Excellent news brief! Well done. I think I have seen a photo of the german advance somewhere, now where did I put that....hmm.

Gamey?...Ahistorical?....what till you see what was in those trucks. Just a little closer now....closer...that's good keep coming.

Gordon has hacked into the BTS computers and stolen the bridge demo unit from CM2...yes it's compatiable with CM1.

Right now I'm sitting in a secret spot with my hand on the demo charges plunger, hope my lazy, overstuffed, capitalist arm doesn't get too tired smile.gif

[ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Otto Mekanik ]

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Obersturmbannführer! I am picking up something over the radio nets . . . no, no, not Lili Marlene . . . no, not that claptrap crap the Ami's seem so fond of . . . just LISTEN-

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yip! YIp, yip, yip! Yip, yap, yip!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What do you think it means?

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Excellent brief. Sounds like you caught the American's off guard for sure but now that they know I'm afraid your cowardly advantage of surprise is gone. You will now face the raft of the best fighting men in the world. I'm sure if you lay down your arms now and return to where you came you will be spared. A few of you will have to hang but you did kill several American's and they can't just let you completely off. Do yourselfs a favor. Surrender! :D

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Of course one of you Krauts has to consider that if you are not collectively surrendering, I shall abuse you verbally to no end.

BTW Gordon, I hate you.

For all of those who don't know what I have been assigned with during that Rumble, I'm a TRP.

Now, order wise, I'm a bit laid back.

Next turn I'll try a fancy Unbutton just to see if I can spot beyond that grass...

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MrSpkr reports:


Yip! Yip, yip, yip!.......

What do you think it means?


lol :D

I think you are hearing your German mother calling you in to wash for dinner and to leave those American boys alone before you go an get yourself hurt :eek:


Allied Unit T-20

Artillery Spotter 240mm

[ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Otto Mekanik ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Otto Mekanik:

MrSpkr reports:


Yip! Yip, yip, yip!.......

What do you think it means?


lol :D

I think you are hearing your German mother calling you in to wash for dinner and to leave those American boys alone before you go an get yourself hurt :eek:


Allied Unit T-20

Artillery Spotter 240mm


I think it's that crazy Frenchman. In a desperate search for 'companionship', he's chasing down a few poodles.

Col. Sanders

Axis unit V-234,342


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Response to Gordon's email:

I can't speak for the germans but I thought all the gamey talk was just fun trash talk. Germans, what do you say?

Oh, and for you German speaking Rumble players, let me translate Gordons email:

"Pull up your leiderhosen and attack" smile.gif

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***walks over to hourly wage greasemonkey, pats him on the head, turns him around, and starts him off on a walk with a well timed slap to the hindquarters***

"There, there, there. You know better than to play with those big boys. Run along home to the warm safety of Mama's skirts before you get hurt, that's a good lad."

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If things are getting a little too rough for the Germans we could give you a couple of Pawbroons TRPs? Lets see you can have the one that your PSW just travelled over....oopps too late....incoming!

Or how about a slightly used truck? It was carrying wine for our x-mas party but I think you went and busted it all up.

Can't wait to see what kind of armor you guys have.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Otto Mekanik:

If things are getting a little too rough for the Germans we could give you a couple of Pawbroons TRPs?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mother of God, those trucks put up one hell of a fight! Yessireee -- I even broke a nail.

But the wine is excellent!

[ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: Col. Sanders ]

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