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Running over Infantary with tanks!

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............Trust me MG-42...someone like Maximus is going to pop their evil head around the corner, and when he is done there will only be the mg-42...no gunner.But I suggest you check your combat mission manual...has alot of the answeres you seek, so does the [*]search button....have fun with CM...


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As to tanks running down individuals... It's not in but, there are moral effects for having an AFV overrunning your infantry.

The thing about that though is the tanks get rather skittish as well having infantry so close to them. They tend to just want to stay alive rather than dish out the pain as I envisioned them to do before hitting go.

I remember getting absurd amounts of kills for my stug's and such in CC1 by running over troops. Don't think it was very realistic,but it was definitely fun smile.gif

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The average infantryman would just get the hell out of the way...remember, the squad is not pinned to the exact center where its icon is. You can safely assume that all 12 men are not standing there in a neat row waiting to be run over. They are probably hiding in a ditch with a hand grenade that they're gonna try and roll under that tank.

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I toured the armoured corps museum in Borden with one of the volunteers/curators when I was there this summer. I actually got sit in the driver's seat of a T-55, as well as clamber around on some other WW II types.

Tank drivers can't see anything. They have a vision block or periscope that lets them see a few degrees straight ahead - they have no peripheral vision at all, and most tanks in WW II wouldn't let the driver see at least 20 feet in front of the tank - this was all dead space. Factor in dust, smoke and other obstructions, as well as his fear, claustrophobia with hatches down, the disorientation he must have felt from the noise of the engine, having to strain to hear through his headset what the TC was telling him...

As it was explained to me, a tank driver relies on

a) his guages - to know when to change gears, for example, his speed, etc.

B) his tank commander - to tell him where to go

Having actually sat in the driver's seat, I have to tell you - I got the impression that there is little way any tank driver could target one person, or an entire squad of infantry, and get them under the tracks of his vehicle without being very lucky. You just wouldn't be able to see to do it.

And I should suspect that by 1944, most tank crews were a little shy of closing with enemy infantry to begin with.

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