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Axis or Allies ... the game?

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Axis & Allies has been available on the PC for a long time. Are you saying that they are coming out with a new version? I have the one that came out before and it is horrible! Typical Hasbro crap. So are they now making a new one? :confused: They should fix the old one first! I certainly won't buy another one. :mad:

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Ahhh Axis and Allies, my old stomping ground. s previously said, Axis and Allies has been available for a long while on PC. However, there are rumors that Axis and Allies:Europe and Axis and Allies:Pacific will be done for the PC. I hope someoneother than Hasbro does it but that is very doughtful seeing that they bought Avalon Hill. Pacific is alot of fun, and I like Europe as well. The only problem is that I have hardly any opponents, my best bro and my girlfriend, thats it.

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I started all this because I was rummaging around Chips/Bits and saw mention of Axis and Allies 2 to be available 12/01. I recall the many complaints re: the "A&A" of 2 years ago. Can always hope for a better version.

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You know, I loved the A&A boardgame... just didn't like cleaning up afterwards and always running out of gamepieces.

The PC version I got was quite buggy, even with patches applied. Too many instances of the computer cheating its rear off or rules being broken.

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