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Fallschirmjagergewehr 42 (FG42)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why all you young whippersnappers...

Back when the forum was that young we had to train our 50cal teams to schlep that equipment uphill both on the advance and on the retreat... through deep snow... in the dark... under a mortar barrage...

when BTS put out the gold DEMO with the low-res bitmaps, well, that was good enough for us...

weren't no uber-anythings, and we had nice manageable sized guns in the 20mm to 40mm range. You had a really big one if you were 75mm...

weren't no queftons bout why my infntwe


damn, now where my teef go too...


now where was I???

weren't no questions about why my infantry team is less effective than John Rambo in the woods in the pacific northwest...

and the only things called gamey was the smell of Steve and Charles when they would emerge from coding for a few weeks for a breath of fresh air, and to tease us with a few images, or the Fionn/Moon AARs...

[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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