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DD gridded grass - anyone else seen this happen?

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I installed the new dd grid grass last night. The map is fine, but I now see 2 long lines of the horizon tiles which are completely black. These are next to the map edge along two edges forming a "t" at one corner of the map and extending off to the horizon. The rest of the horizon is fine.

I can get back to my backup bmps fine, and I have opened each of the bmps in dd's zip file and they look ok too. It is almost as if one of the bmps making this tile row is black, but if so I cannot find it. Any help appreciated.


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Originally posted by MikeE:

I installed the new dd grid grass last night. The map is fine, but I now see 2 long lines of the horizon tiles which are completely black. These are next to the map edge along two edges forming a "t" at one corner of the map and extending off to the horizon. The rest of the horizon is fine.

I can get back to my backup bmps fine, and I have opened each of the bmps in dd's zip file and they look ok too. It is almost as if one of the bmps making this tile row is black, but if so I cannot find it. Any help appreciated.


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Originally posted by MikeE:

I installed the new dd grid grass last night. The map is fine, but I now see 2 long lines of the horizon tiles which are completely black. These are next to the map edge along two edges forming a "t" at one corner of the map and extending off to the horizon. The rest of the horizon is fine.

I can get back to my backup bmps fine, and I have opened each of the bmps in dd's zip file and they look ok too. It is almost as if one of the bmps making this tile row is black, but if so I cannot find it. Any help appreciated.


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Yes, I too have these black lines extending into the horizon.

Originally posted by MikeE:

I installed the new dd grid grass last night. The map is fine, but I now see 2 long lines of the horizon tiles which are completely black. These are next to the map edge along two edges forming a "t" at one corner of the map and extending off to the horizon. The rest of the horizon is fine.

I can get back to my backup bmps fine, and I have opened each of the bmps in dd's zip file and they look ok too. It is almost as if one of the bmps making this tile row is black, but if so I cannot find it. Any help appreciated.


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if you are using hi res grass you can install the low res set to get rid of the big black line......if you are displaying low res grass you are unable to fix....this is where you decide what is more important...your grid or that big black line that extends to the horizon....sorry not much i can do for the low res crowd



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I've got some modified DD low res grass with bold 20m grid that does not give me this line to the horizon effect. The map has a nice border all around it. I use standard DD low res for .bmps 1500-1519. This may be the key.

If this doesn't work for you then it is either the 128x128 resolution I reduced DD's grass to (1550-1569) or it's the fact that the grid is 20 meters rather than 40. (I'm assuming his grided stuff is 40 meters).


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