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Problem with ModManager

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Hope somebody can help here.Im trying to set up the Mod Manager and have two problems.Firstly,what is the Destination Path for the Core Files Copies off the CD?Is it C:\Program Files\CMBO,or is it C:\Program Files\CMBO\Mods? The Install Text is not very clear on this point.Secondly,I have an error message saying "List index out of bounds[-1]" What is this,and how do I correct it,as it wont allow me to Exit the Mod Manager without "Ctrl-Alt-Delete"which I know is wrong.As always,you guys are the greatest with your help so I look forward to a solution!

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Originally posted by Whizkid:

...I have an error message saying "List index out of bounds[-1]" What is this,and how do I correct it,as it wont allow me to Exit the Mod Manager without "Ctrl-Alt-Delete"which I know is wrong.

Hi Whiz!

I got the same error with CM 1.1. After checking here with a search, I found out that it had occurred for several folks, AND that the FIX is to go to the CONFIG tab and use the various browser functions to de-select and re-select directories and such a bit. No idea why that worked (unless it just causes MM to refresh it's links), but it did fix the problem for me.

- Old Dog

Old Dog's CM Central The CM Photo Gallery!

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Originally posted by markshot:

What is ModManager?


Mod Manager is a utility that helps sort out and installs Mods that you have downloaded. Instead of unzipping and placing all the files into the BMP Folder yourself, you just place the .zip file of the mod in the directory where you installed the ModManager and you can either turn on or off certain mods that you like/dislike. Pretty handy tool, never used it for Batch Mods though so I don't know how it handles those.

Click here to take you to the download section of where you can get it which is at CMHQ (Sorry about the link not opening a new window, just right click and select Open in New Window)

Hope this helps, it explains itself a little bit more on the site.



"For every soldier that died at Dieppe, ten were saved on D-Day"

--Lord Louis Mountbatten

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Funny you should mention...I was looking at my copy of ModMangr over the weekend. I tried to set it up (again) but failed to figure it out (again) I do wish a better set of instructions or an easier interface could be done. I'd really like to use it

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A couple of tips from my experience:

Each time you create a mod, go out to the mod list, and allow the program to re-sort. You can see the screen flicker as the order is shuffled. I got the page error when I created too many mods at one time.

Forget batch files. I delete the icons and the batch files. Then I unzip all the files to a directory named for the mod (\Stuart_MB for example). Then, I create subfolders in this folder for each option and extra and move the files to the folder that describes them. Some examples from memory:





Stuart_MB\Free French







Remember that some files are common and sit in the main folder (\Stuart_MB in this case). Also, the manager program does not seem to look more than one folder "down" in the hierarchy when you add options and extras, so don't put the US bloc extra in the US folder (Stuart_MB\US\US_bloc\)

I then zip the main folder into one archive, recursing folders.

When I "Load Mod " in CMMM, it unzips the entire archive into a CMMM\mods\tmp folder.

Then its a matter of correctly assigning each folder to the Options section or the Extras setting. Don't forget to add a preview (I can't keep track of all these panthers and tigers! smile.gif)

Don't forget to strip the descriptive text off of the .bmp files. 3360_US.bmp has to be 3360.bmp.

I know, this seems like a lot of work, but when you're done, its truly slick.



p.s. I'm sure if I've misstated anything someone will chime in, but the above is working.

[This message has been edited by GeoffP (edited 01-25-2001).]

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I just knew you guys would come up with an answer!I played around with the Config.values and various File changes and sure enough it worked.However I still would like to know the Destination Path for the Core Mods.Also,if you want to Uninstall CMModManager altogether,how do you do it?There is nothing in the Info sheet on it.Once again,many thanks,guys.

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I'm not sure that I copied the files from the CD, because I uninstalled and re-installed the manager & probably forgot.

Stupid question - I guess the core files option is for when you want to "bail out" and start from scratch. For the number of times you'd have to do that, why not drag the bmps and wav folder from the cd?

Anyway, when I get home 2nite I'll try to get the manager to reinstall the core files from the hard disk. Whatever directory works for the 234mb zip file, I'll let you


Last night I set up a QB armor battle with low vis US Stuarts and modded M4A3 Shermans, then later set up a similar battle with camo Stuart Vs, Fireflies, Sherman IIs and bicolor Churchills. Changed Panther schemes, too. Took all of a minute to switch the artwork with the manager. The camo Brits are really cool looking.



"Enough, Sir, no more of that, the die is cast and if there are fifty sail I will go through them"

Adm. Sir John Jervis 14-Feb, 1797

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Okay, I've got 2 core file mods, 1 for copying from the CD, the other from the zip file.

I did not follow the instructions, and installed the manager in its own folder, so my mods all go in E:\CMMM\mods. This is where my core files mega-archive is located.


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