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Field Marshall Hauffmann

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Everything posted by Field Marshall Hauffmann

  1. Hi All, I remember seeing a North African mod for CM a couple of months ago. It was work in progress I believe. I have since forgotten the URL and would like to know if anyone has it. Much thanks in advance. Over and Out
  2. Wait wait wait....uh...before everyone leaves this topic I need a little assistance also. Ive installed the mgr into my cmbt misn folder and press the set up computer icon and get this error "cannot find setup.dll which is needed to complete installation. Error 103. Any idea whats wrong?
  3. Anyone have any idea where I can get sound mods for EXPLOSIONS? The explosion from shells fired by tanks seems to be a little "grainy". As if theres too much trebble. Its not the original sound effect its a newer but I cant remember where I got it. So if anyone would know where I could get some explosion mods(Ive checked MMMP) or at least the original without having to reinstal.
  4. Form what Ive read it seems pretty nice. They will be making considerable improvements as the game progresses with mods ect. The issues wit the obnoxius kids playing should be taken care of like the above post said. Ive already joined the HG panzer division(Herman Goring) the only Luftwaffe Panzer Divsion in WW2. They seem serious and dedicated. So we'll see. But if a few of us get on over there in time for the opening theater of conflict maybe well be dive bombing San Diego by 1945. It seems to me that at the uppper echlons of command serious knowledge of tactics and balance of supplly will be neccessary. Cornered Rat Software said this game will be based on team effort and communication between players. The staff will have to e mail ect. their ideas and plans to one another and come up with something they like, hand it off to a subordinate ect. on down the line till it reaches the platoon commander who wont know if his task is diversionary or part of the main assault ect. The high command will be pullling the strings. Fascinating concept to say the least. It would be great to see some of us from CMers over there pulling the strings and eventully laying siege to New York.
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