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Somebody Needs to do a High-Res Mod of the Super Pershing

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I know it's rarely used but the thing looks terrible next to all the High-Res bad boys.


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I'm still looking for a hi-res mod of the basic non-super Pershing. The low-res silvery gray version of the Pershing that shipped with CM doesn't do justice to the Allies' best tank. Plus I'm a lot more likely to use the Pershing than the Super.

This seems to be a strange omission from the mod-ing community. I've seen mods of pretty much every other AFV, down to obscure models such as the Kangaroo, but no Pershings. Mod-makers? Anyone?

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Tell you what. If any of you post the file numbers for the Pershing in this thread, I will take a crack at it as a weekend project. The Canvas program I use may not be the most optimal program, but I can certainly change resolution per file at the least.

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I think the Pershing and Super Pershing look like they just came from the factory. I'm not asking for tiger stripes, but if the same sort of olive color with National designations could be applied. Oh and that star thing too.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Ok, first off the Pershing and the Super Pershing use the same textures... one just has a longer barrel.

And I have the numbers for you spook, good luck. They are 3580-3589.

Finally, I've made my own high res Pershing mod with a 2 tone camo scheme. However, all I did was scale up the default graphic, darken it to make it look less "cartoonie," sharpen and blend the oversized pixels that formed, then put an irregular dark green pattern on it. It looks pretty good on my graphic clunker, but its not anywhere nere accepted MOD standars... so I'll leave it to the experts.

Spook, again, good luck! I'd like to see a good Pershing mod very badly. (a few things you might try are working with the track links on the turret sides, and adding some canvas where the mantlet meets the turret on the sides and top.)



CO, 99th Dragons

A Warbirds Squadron

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Thank you, gents. This'll be a weekend chore then.

But be advised not to have too high an expectation on the result. I've cut my mod teeth on the infantry & terrain textures and learned a few things along the way, but this'll be my first vehicle mod. In fact, the infantry mods I did earlier are due for a second-pass revision in their own turn.

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