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CMAK: scenario editor/game differences

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I've setup a nice trench system in the scenario editor, all trenches are slightly overlapping and there are no gaps.

But after starting the scenario I have several ugly gaps between my trenches and they are not just graphic glitches, moving a LOS marker over the gaps shows open terrain and no trench.

please fix or sumfink (or is there a workaround?)


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Can't you move them in the set-up phase? You can in BB.


The orange bases indicate a padlock.

This is useful for simulating pre-dug positions or even dry creek beds, gullies, etc. that you don't want either side changing the position of.

This may be one for the official bug report thread.

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The problem is that the gaps appear at places were the trenches do overlap quite a lot!

Here is a little collage, showing the padlocked trenches (selected so that it's easier to identify their position) during setup and after setup.

As you can see all trenches do overlap, especially at the big gap at the top right, there both trenches overlap and the gap is pretty close to the center of the trench (note the orange square).

Or the gap at the bottom-left, the trenches do overlap and there's a gap, but the next two trench connections overlap probably even a little less... but no gap


Oh, and it's not the terrain either, here is a 3D view of one gap, and even though these trenches are in a hilly terrain I have the same problems in totally flat terrain.


[ February 02, 2004, 04:29 AM: Message edited by: Industrializer ]

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