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Will Luftwaffe ground troops be included .

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Fallschirmjaeger were Luftwaffe troops .I am asking about the Luftaffe Field Divisons .These divisions were made out of extra Luftwaffe personel many of them with no infantry training .Instead of putting them in army divisions the Luftwaffe formed their own divisions . They were kid of a failure .

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Just checked, and you guys are right. It was Sevastopol.

However, the Marines did not fight just off their ships - they were in the city, defending it, albeit of course with support from their ships. Could be a fun battle, IMO. Took the Germans months to finally capture the city, but only a day or two to loose it. Got to check those books again...

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I wondered about Leningrad too. Also Talinnen (sp?) on the Baltic. Also on the Black Sea there was a prolonged battle for Novorossiysk that appears to have involved Soviet Marine troops.

Back on topic, based on numbers of troops it would certainly seem reasonable to have Luftwaffe Field Division Troops but the CM engine may limit that to some type of mod by a 3rd party. I guess you could make the same argument for Axis allies such as Italian, Rumanian, Hungarian, and the Spanish Blue Division.

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I would like to see Soviet Marines as well. They played parts in fighting along the black sea, Sevastopol and held the Krondstadt near Leningrad, IIRC. I would really like to see Rumanian Marines as well, but I am not holding my breath.

As for LFDs, I would not mind seeing them, as they were definitely involved. I suspect their TO&E is similar to a contemporary infantry division, but I could not find any sources on that.


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I think you'll find that Soviet Naval Infantry (different to their Marines BTW), were involved in quite a few battles, ranging from the far north, outside Archangel, through to the far-east, against the Japanese.

From memory, they fought along the Baltic coast, around Leningrad, took part in the Siege of Sevestapol and along the Black Sea coast, back to the Caucauses.

Their Marines were much smaller in number and primarily fought in the Black Sea and the Far East, I believe.

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The problem with including the Luftwaffe Field Divisions is that they were inconsistently organized - there were only 22 divisions of them, raised at different times - and that they did not generally last for long. By 1943 most of them had been absorbed into the Heer. It was in 1943 that the Luftwaffe started raising Falshirmjager Divisions, which did much better in general.

Of course, there's no reason not to try - "inconsistently organized" is a good way to describe half the units in the Red Army in the first period of the war.

As far as the Soviet Naval units - there seems to be a bit of confusion here. There were no Soviet "Marines" in the Western sense - there were Naval Infantry units, organized by the Red Navy, and Naval Rifle brigades, organized by the Red Army from Red Navy personnel. The former served for the most part in the general vicinity of the fleets they were attached to, and the latter went anywhere the army needed them.

Naval Infantry were typically organized in the following manner: 12 men with one LMG in a squad; 4 squads to a platoon; 3 platoons, 2 HMGs and 1 50mm mortar to a company; and 3 infantry companies, a chemical platoon (6 flamethrowers), a machinegun company (12 HMGs), a mortar company (16 82mm mortars), and an artillery battery (4 76mm howitzers or field guns) in a battalion (amongst other odds and ends).

Both the naval infantry and luftwaffe field units would add both flavor and ability to recreate a few historical battles, particularly amphibious assaults in the far North and Black Sea in the case of the Soviets. Soviet Naval Infantry against Gebirgsjagers near Murmansk might be interesting, actually.


[ 10-21-2001: Message edited by: Scott B ]

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