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Advice, comments, ideas for COMBAT MISSION 2 here!

Guest SS_Obergruppenführer

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Guest SS_Obergruppenführer

Umm, I'm not sure if a topic like this was ever opened, but I thought it was a good idea.

Anyway, write down anything and everything you think should be added or changed, bettered or completely let out for CM2.

Also, any comments about how new units should react, act and fit in the Eastern front. To sum up: EVERYTHING ABOUT CM2!

I think mortars should be able to fire without LOS, there should be at least two campaigns (the real thing, not just operations), some more flash and style, perhaps.

Well, hopefully someone from BTS will hear this forum! smile.gif


SLOVENIA- a prospering country for the European Union

[This message has been edited by SS_Obergruppenführer (edited 03-31-2001).]

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A campaign added to CM2 would be nice to play on both sides. Defend Stalingrad and push german back to Berlin or play from the German side and push Russia back into Moscow. Sounds fun to me.

I really hope BTS adds campaign play or a campaign element to their game. I think that too much emphasis on just the tactical part of war can make it a dry experience at times. I would like to be able to historicaly play as the russian and defend Stalingrad...push them (the germans) out...move them out onto the fields of Kursk, and demolish Berlin. I think this would be great as the war unfolds...The battles of course will still be squad based. The battles can be interewoven with a story line inbetween telling us what else is happening with other areas of the war and what is happening with our own units based on the outcome of our battle. If you win a battle against germany, then maybe you will push onward and continue or maybe you will be called to help in another sector. I thinks it would be great fun. Having the story of the war unfold befor your eyes makes war more interesting, and may cure CM of its sterility feel that it has at times.

Just some thoughts. Not meant as a well thought out plan for BTS.

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I have got a couple of ideas:

1. That if you bring captured units to a high command post and letting them stay there for a couple of turns. They give info depending on their grade. For example a lieutenant that is brought to a Captian can give info of where a gun was AT THE BEGINNING OF THE BATTLE.

2. Instead of having a line of sight you can make all the ground seen by a clicked unit change. That could be great for placing fortifications at the beginning of the battle. You can call it FIELD OF VIEW instead of LOS. And if you want to make it better you can make the field change colors depending on the weapons reach until it is out of reach. Bazookas for example.


The only people that know the real results of war are the dead.

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Guest SS_Obergruppenführer

That would be very cool! And I was thinking also in the line of squads being represented by 12 men instead of just 4 (it would be optional, of course for high-end machines).


SLOVENIA- a prospering country for the European Union

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