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Automatic Road Travel

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Add a menu choice to enable automatic road travel in all movement modes. In large battles (e.g. "All or Nothing"), its a huge pain to set the waypoints for all the units to get to the battle by following the roads. Toward the end, to get reinforcements into the conflict you have to set 20 or 30 waypoints for 10 or so vehicles each turn. It's really tedious and cumbersome, fix it please.

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Originally posted by Annalist:

You still have to set waypoints on the roads (although I didn't know about the group order...thanks smile.gif ). I want to be able to set one waypoint, the destination, and have the units follow roads to that location.

Try a search on the topic, the reasons why this is not included await.

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Originally posted by Annalist:

Okay Bastables, I tried a search on "automatic road travel" and couldn't get any hits. If you know the posting number be a pal and give it to me.

You've not done a search for any of your other questions either, I think I'd prefer if you did your own search, aka try more than once with differing keywords. If the topic is not of such great import to you feel free to continue posting redundent threads and ignore the wealth of information held within this BBS.

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Originally posted by Annalist:

You still have to set waypoints on the roads (although I didn't know about the group order...thanks smile.gif ). I want to be able to set one waypoint, the destination, and have the units follow roads to that location.

Of course you must set up waypoints! Why else would you be playing CM if you weren't trying to play and win a tactical battle simulator?

Stick with it a while, and you'll see why you need to set up waypoints, search for hulldowns, scout ahead, etc. If you simply march all of your tanks down the road without any thought to it (IE planning ahead with waypoints, etc), you'll find that within minutes it will be MUCH easier to plot your routes when you're down to one or two surviving vehicles wink.gif

Don't mean to be a smarta**, just pointing out that you should probably take some time to get the feel for things before you suggest changes. Have fun with it!

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I should have clarified my response above. You CAN set up a single waypoint for a group move, but you probably won't be satisfied with the results (IE you'll get ambushed somewhere along the line). Also, they won't follow the road to the final point, but rather will move in a straight line. Again, you'll find it best to plot "smart" paths for your units individually once contact is imminent.

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>Try a search on the topic, the reasons why

>this is not included await.

>You've not done a search for any of your other questions either, I think I'd prefer if you did your own search, aka try more than once with differing keywords.

Evidently, it is too much trouble to suggest which keywords to use, but easy enough to give obvious newcomers a hard time? Not so new-user-friendly, really, is it?


Just nod if you can hear me.

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Originally posted by NigelO:

>Try a search on the topic, the reasons why

>this is not included await.

>You've not done a search for any of your other questions either, I think I'd prefer if you did your own search, aka try more than once with differing keywords.

Evidently, it is too much trouble to suggest which keywords to use, but easy enough to give obvious newcomers a hard time? Not so new-user-friendly, really, is it?

Actually, if you look around the board, you'll see that Annalist has been throwing his weight around the last day or so DEMANDING that BTS change one thing or another. It's also clear that in light of many of his requests, he's either

1. Only played the game a few times (no problem with that, but he should learn the ropes a bit before demanding changes to something he doesn't understand).

2. Too lazy to learn to do things the "right" way (IE learn to use actual tactics...they solve 90% of the problems he's come up against).

In general, I think that you'll find the CM community to be more helpful and civil than most other BBS'. The key, however, is just like the golden rule. If you come in here treating people like crap, you'll get the same in return (IE checkout the thread on viewing maps before purchasing units and you'll see what I mean...).

Nuff said...

BTW: Welcome aboard NigleO!

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Originally posted by NigelO:

>Try a search on the topic, the reasons why

>this is not included await.

>You've not done a search for any of your other questions either, I think I'd prefer if you did your own search, aka try more than once with differing keywords.

Evidently, it is too much trouble to suggest which keywords to use, but easy enough to give obvious newcomers a hard time? Not so new-user-friendly, really, is it?

Its also about being ticked off over his Service mans only call in another of his threads. Apparently these are the only people which have valid insight into the game or World War II, bollocks! As a serving soldier there are hundreds on this board which know more than myself about WW II. Can't be bothered and pique are not identical states.

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Yep, this was the first thread I looked at today, and it seemed a little harsh. After posting my arguably hasty reply, I stumbled on the other buzz-saw!

Suitably chastened, I'm not sure I can say much more than: What we write here and elsewhere on the Internet is going to be around for others to see that follow (sometimes staggering) in our footsteps.

What we leave for posterity (or some other form of arse) might want to be gentle humour rather than harsh words, which would stagger the new gentle reader.

Let's leave the 'action' on the battlefield, can we?

I'll sit down now, and get back in the cellar...


Just nod if you can hear me.

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Originally posted by NigelO:

>Try a search on the topic, the reasons why

>this is not included await.

>You've not done a search for any of your other questions either, I think I'd prefer if you did your own search, aka try more than once with differing keywords.

Evidently, it is too much trouble to suggest which keywords to use, but easy enough to give obvious newcomers a hard time? Not so new-user-friendly, really, is it?

Mr. Analist posted what amounted to a flame on another thread, which rightfully ticked off the thinking population of this board. I am new, but I do not think newbies get the shaft (the worst shafting I have seen is of a guy with over 900 posts on another thread). Many of us are still waiting to find out what battalion / brigade he commands.

So I would feel free to post and not be scared. This is a good bunch with a few notable exceptions. At least as lurker I have read some great posts.

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I want to add a post script. Analist, if you want to live down that comment on the other thread (the net has a long memory) then you will probably either have to post an apology, or change your handle and pretend to be someone else. As you can see, you are not getting the slack that a regular newbie will because you offended so many veterans (including other newbie - lurkers like me)

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Number one, I don't really care if the net has a long memory. I don't know any of you and don't really care to. I didn't demand that BTS do anything. I saw some things I thought might improve the game and posted them to see what others thought about the idea. Now, I do use actual tactics in playing the game Mannheim Tanker. After I've cleared 2/3 of the map and have the enemy isolated in a pocket I don't want to have to put in 40 waypoints to get a group of units where the fighting is.

In addition, I don't care who knows more about WWII than I do. This is a game. Not WWII. Get a grip people. :|

[This message has been edited by Annalist (edited 01-24-2001).]

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Guest Rollstoy

I do not know, but if the path finding works correctly wouldn't it be sufficient to put a waypoint on the end of the road and the vehicle would follow the road automatically? After all, this is what path-finding is about and the movement cost of the terrain should be significantly higher than that of the road so that the vehicles tend to stay on the road anyway ...

Regards, Thomm

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Originally posted by Rollstoy:

I do not know, but if the path finding works correctly wouldn't it be sufficient to put a waypoint on the end of the road and the vehicle would follow the road automatically? After all, this is what path-finding is about and the movement cost of the terrain should be significantly higher than that of the road so that the vehicles tend to stay on the road anyway ...

Regards, Thomm

Well if they would do that automatically I would shoot all my tank commanders. In battlefield where enemy propably has AT guns and infantry hiding behind every tree and under every rock I want my tanks drive where I tell them (straight line if possible) and not go where it is easiest (on road) and be shot.

Certainly in some cases it could be nice if could give movement order that caused troops to move fastest possible route (in some limits) to endpoint, but battle I have fought this have been rare.

And surely Annalist could rephase his postings better and propably he would get nicer ansers..



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Seems that what's being asked for is an administrative movement command, i.e., some way to move groups of units with no regard to tactical niceties, but where the only real interest is speed.

It can indeed be annoying to plot a series of waypoints for a series of vehicles in turn, but do we really need admin movement at the scale of CM? Maybe so--some of the big scenarios certainly end up giving you huge expanses of space to cover. And if you want your guys to drive blithely down the road, well, you take your chances with an ambush I guess.

But, is it worth it in terms of programming, development, etc? How would the AI choose to use such admin movement? I dunno. Given that the longest CM battle I've seen so far is 60 turns, I rather think administrative movement is out of the time scale. But hey, that's just my $.02.

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Okay guys I know I have not posted here for awhile but here we go. Lay off 'list for awhile. It is unfair to pound someone for a serious question. As far as search...sure you should have but it now seems like you have so you question has even more valididty. Lastly back off the comments on strategy and stuff boyos. I am a huge "student" of the WWII era and plan to have a bachlors degree in early 20th century history just for the WWII classes. More importantly I recognize that while you can run real tactics for WWII and simulate quite a few tactical aspects in CM, I prefer to use the game's engine for a testbed to develop tactics that may or may not have worked and tactics that use unit compositions that may not be realistic but could've been if the org. chart was different. Now do I use 12 Pershings a battle? no. Do I try to find UberWeapons? no. I try to find interesting combinations of forces to implement tactics so that I may find interesting advantages and disadvantages in the combination of various weapon systems. Now that puts me in the middle of the Reality folks and the "THIS IS A GAME" folks. Really I could care less. Reality freaks bring it on. Gamers come get some. Either way as long as you have fun who cares.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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Originally posted by Priest:

O Now that puts me in the middle of the Reality folks and the "THIS IS A GAME" folks. Really I could care less. Reality freaks bring it on. Gamers come get some. Either way as long as you have fun who cares.

Welcome back, Priest. Where are you coming from with all this? I'm not sure where anyone really invoked the "reality vs gamey" argument in this thread? I think the debate is whether the capability already exists to accomodate Annalist's request. I suggested the group move command, since I highly doubt that BTS is going to add an "Administrative, smart-route" Move command to CMBO. Maybe I'm just not getting the point of your comments is all...


"Oooh, tough crowd. A real bunch of nihilists.

Let them eat chads..." - Lawyer (who else!?)

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Great response Priest. I pretty much play exactly the way you do. Mannheim, I read all the threads. A LOT of different people have asked for this feature. If enough of the player base finds it useful then BTS should add it. As for tactics, that's the players choice. I, personally, feel its safe to have my turn 30 reinforcements haul tail down a road after I've passed two infantry companies and a few pieces of armor through the area and am positive the area is secure. Especially if I'm near the far edge of the map from my staging area. If you want to set each tank individual hunt paths and move in bounding overwatch...your business.

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