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Turns Gone Bad.

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Just thought I would relate a bonehead play I did the other night and was wondering how many others have bumped off some of their own due to friendly fire or bad orders.

It was a test SCN I made for the hell of it and was progressing down a road towards the Americans. My German troops were top notch and ready for action. In one building I had a sharpshooter and a crew member from a nearby knocked out track. The buildng across the street had a 300mm rocket spotter in it and I decided to move him to a better location across the street. I must have hit the "T" button instead of the "M" and directed it towards the building accupied by the above mentioned troops. Time passed and I forgot about the spotter until a certain house erupted in flames. The sharpshooter and the crew member dashed from the building looking for safety. Needless to say both guys were gunned down by an advancing INF unit(s) and lay there for the rest of the SCN. To add insult to injury an American mortar round landed right on the dead body of the sharpshooter. Talk about no luck. I am still looking for the body to send home.

So what bonehead stunts have you guys pulled?


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I was playing Elfsdorf and was advancing nicely into the city with minimal losses to my forces. Earlier (2 minutes to be exact) I had targeted the very portion of the city that I was to advance through with 155mm arty (I believe it was 155). At the very moment that I had advanced my armor into the city, successfully hiding my armor behind the houses and moving my infantry into the houses to scout ahead. . .the arty falls in right on top of my troops. I lost an M8, a Sherman, another tank, an infantry platoon with its bazooka support, as well as my mortar. Talk about poor planning. . . .

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I wouldn't be able to list them all here, way too many to count. The most recent was last night...setting mp my MG bunker on the top of the biggest hill I've ever seen. Unsuprisingly, it was knocked out in one turn. Of course, my whole setup that game was all screwed up...don't know what my problem was, but my opponant enjoyed it. smile.gif


Go thou, and fill another room in hell.

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Had a JgPzIV/70 set up hull down, ready to take on some approaching Shermans.

The Shermans were advancing up a little further to the right than expected, so I ordered my TD to pivot towars them.

Well, I *thought* I ordered my TD to pivot towards them. What I actually ordered him to do was to reverse towards them!!!

So next turn, as ordered, he pivots till his ass is facing the bad guys, and then starts driving at them backwards!

The result was somewhat inevitable.

Jeff Heidman

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In a recent PBEM, I laid down a smoke barrage, but no smoke appeared. Instead, the barrage seemed to be coming down on my hidden troops who were waiting to charge through the anticipated smokescreen. And my troops were suffering casualties no less. Then I realized that I had inadvertently turned off the smoke graphics (Shift-I) in an earlier PBEM and never turned them back on! By the time I turned the smoke graphics back on two turns later there was a ton of smoke on the battlefield, and my spotters had chewed through lots of arty rounds. The barrage hitting my troops was live mortar fire from my opponent, which coincidentally starting falling at the same time my invisible smoke barrage began. (I guess my troops weren’t hidden too well.)

Later in the same game my hidden Panzer IV auto-targeted a bazooka team at about 400m with HE. What I didn’t realize until next turn was that the rounds were clipping the corner of a two-story building in which a Fusilier platoon was hiding. Not only did they sustain casualties, but the building was in danger of collapse (**) so they squad ran out of the building, into live fire and an artillery barrage of 105 mm arty. Luckily they escaped significant damage and ran to other cover.

PBEM anyone?

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Guest Michael emrys

For the most part I have managed to avoid the kind of spectacular failures listed above. My problem is that I am just generally (or should that be lieutenantly?) incompetent. redface.gif


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I did the same thing Jeff did. In the tutorial, I was swinging one of my Shermans around on the right in order to surprise the AI opponent and get some flank shots on his tanks and to support my infantry. I got to the edge of some scattered woods and then using the hot keys I plotted my sneak attack. Well to my surprise the Sherman pivoted and started the infamous ass attack against the German armor. "Fortunately" the tank became bogged down and immobilized before it crested the hill so it was never fired upon nor did it fire at anything.

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Anyone else ever done this? My Puma spots a Zook in a building so I order him to target the Zook and wipe him out, well it turns out I didn't target the Zook I ordered the Puma to move to the zook, I watch the turn and the Puma moves the 200 meters and rams the building the Zook is in, then sits there and survives 3 near misses and backs away to saftey, boy was I lucky.

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Guest aka PanzerLeader

Haha, one of my PBEM opponents, who accepted to be mentioned here, and who goes by the name of Oliver, undoubtedly wins the award:

We were playing a scenario set at night, where my German troops were defending against an American infantry assault.

OK, I had an excellent defensive position around one flag: an infantry platoon, 2 MGs, one 20mmm Flak.

Thrice the Americans try to rush my position, but at night their numerical superiority is to no avail and he loses about 4-5 squads in the process.(that's the first, and minor blunder).

Then I realise that an artillery barrage is bound to fall on my position very soon(unless he's a total moron, which he is not), and I decide to get out of there, leaving the 20mm Flak and an MG in place.

One turn later he rushes my position finally, destroying gloriously the few troops I had left behind.

I've got two guys left on the Victory Flag, cowering and about to surrender. And they witness the incredible: a rain of shells starts falling on them, there's so many shells of all calibre falling down that two American Squads are wiped out instantly. An entire platoon, including a Company HQ, will be down by the end of the turn. Oliver's just lost about 50 elite men thanks to his own arty.

And the final word, the most amazing: the only survivor of the barrage is one the two soldiers who were cowering in their hole...

[This message has been edited by aka PanzerLeader (edited 02-13-2001).]

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I am really embarassed of this but lost a game because I forgot it was a 20 turn game, and thought it was a 30 turn game. redface.gif I was in position and ready to move in on his dug in troops, and I had taken the time to move as to not alert him of my position. Therefore on turn 20 I think I am set to move in and hit hard, as he had taken my flank bait big time. It was a PBEM game so when I get tth 21st turn I get a battle report! mad.gif I felt very stupid!

It will never happen again, biggrin.gif


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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by Pvt.Tom:

Anyone else ever done this? My Puma spots a Zook in a building so I order him to target the Zook and wipe him out, well it turns out I didn't target the Zook I ordered the Puma to move to the zook, I watch the turn and the Puma moves the 200 meters and rams the building the Zook is in, then sits there and survives 3 near misses and backs away to saftey, boy was I lucky.

"What? You mean 'F' doesn't stand for 'Fire'???"

Heh, heh. I did that once myself. "Oh s***!"



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One thing I constantly do to this day is accidently drop life artillery instead of smoke in a field, and since I tend to have my troops given orders before the smoke is created, it means there's no way I can keep them from running out into the open field with my own shells falling all around them, during the same turn Damnit.

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Originally posted by Urban Shocker:

I did the same thing Jeff did. ... Well to my surprise the Sherman pivoted and started the infamous ass attack against the German armor.

For those of you that make this misstake on a regular basis I recommend using Archers as your main armoured asset. smile.gif

Then you don't have to be shy about doing "ass attacks". wink.gif



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Well, I didn't ever make any "ass attack", thanks to "Show All Moves" toggle - always on, can't even imagine playing without !. As for Arty barrages I'm quite careful about them !

But however I've 2 fun "sh*t factor" stories :

First, in a port of a not-to-be-named WW2 tac game scenario,played PBEM, my US paras are under attacks by second-line Germans, supported by Hotchkiss tanks...During the advance, one of the H-39 comes under fire from one of my zook teams : range is some 80m, I have 5 shots, I think it's a sure thing...Zook team miserably misses 3 shots, then connect and...The shell DOESN'T PENETRATE the puny armor !!

5th shot misses also, zook team get butchered frown.gif

Second is at Villers Bocage, I play Wittman solo. It advances, Brits fleeing in all directions, a Bren rushes TOWARDS him, then turns to his right, he tries to target it, damn thing is so close and moving so fast that turret can't swing fast enough ! Turret is right 120°, Bren thing hides behind a building, sh*t !

A Brit tank some hundred meters away fires and hit rear of turret, bye bye Wittman, kill should have been credited to Bren :P !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Must be the New Yorker in me but I can't resist putting zook/schreck teams in top floors. I know they'll end up setting the joint on fire but I just can't help it. In my last game I had a beautiful ambush set up in a church, smg plt, mg42, 81mm fo, company cp...and a 'shcreck. Just as the Ami grunts approached my kill zone, the AT guys upstairs bust a shot at a Sherman, taking it out, Huzzah! Then I saw the flames. Chinese fire drill time and boy was it ugly. When the turn ended there wasn't enough left of those guys to make a White castle burger. Plus, my negligence burned down a church and now fear for my soul. Oh well, I'm sure it won't happen NEXT TIME.

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I've certainly had a few experiences of my units not doing what I had -told- them to do...

But my worst was playing, I believe, Grosshau Ridge against the AI.

I'm moving forward, and decide I'm going to send my infantry charging up the left flank. And they're under starter's orders... and they're off!!!

The enemy has been suppressed by artillery fire and MMGs on the right, my troops are making good time with few casualties.

Until I hear this 'ZoooooooomscreeeeeBOOOM!'

My own bloody aircraft bombed my own troops, who were running in the open.

Killed off about 70 troops. Zero survivors. (And they weren't even all that close)

Suffice to say, my assault was stopped.



The difference between infantrymen and cavalrymen is that cavalrymen get to die faster, for we ride into battle!

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