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Unit editor group select

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A group select function would be

great in the unit editor. Like,

you select the whole infantry

battalion, and then set them

to 'tired', for example, instead of

having to go in and do each guy

individually, as now.

Also, if you selected many of the

same type of unit (like rifle squads)

then you could set ammo, and other

more unit specific paramaters, for

the whole bunch in one swell foop.

It'd save time.



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Map editor features would be cool too, similar to what you get in Word or other word processor programs - ie the ability to "copy", "cut" and "paste" sections of maps (or entire maps), rotate them (or alternately, be able to designate different sides of the map as north - I have designed maps and then realized I had north at the wrong end, and no way to fix it without a total redesign - it would also be neat to be able to assign north to a corner of the map, giving a bit more flexibility - in the map edge section of the parameters, you would then have NE, SE, NW, SW as options).

Naturally, most problems (like starting your map too far to one side and not being able to shift everything) are due to poor prior planning, but hey, since we're doing wish lists, I think this would be relevant to CM2 (if it hasn't already been suggested or actually implemented already).

This would be great for working with those downloaded ASL Maps.

Can't wait to play Hill 621 in 3-D.

On a serious note, will BTS consider putting up a list of play features of CM2 as they are added to the design? This would either

a) stop speculation and repeated questions and requests on this board regarding specific features


B) add fuel to the fire of second guessing and added speculation, suggestions, and queries

It might prove useful to help us make more meaningful suggestions, though a good point was raised elsewhere about everyone building this thing up so that they can't help but be disappointed. A list like I suggest might be a way of imposing a reality check, too, though...

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It would also be nice to be able to edit units from the map. There are times when I buy a lot of HTs to use as transport, or barbed wire, or mines, only to find out I have bought too many. When you go to delete them from the unit list you don't know which ones you are deleting and have to reposition the remaining units on the map.

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