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Field od view or future LOS

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I once suggested to have a field of view command that showed all the field of view of a unit at the same time with different colors to show effectiveness of weapons and out of range.

I now have another view idea. How about having a command that shows the LOS a unit will have after moving? You plot the movement commands and then choose the future LOS that will come out of the last move waypoint.

What do you think?

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Future LOS is a very unrealistic feature to have in the game, there is no way you could know what you'd be able to see from a future position, and the uncertainty of the terrain ahead is one of the heaviest tactical burdens in real life.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Uncus:

I now have another view idea. How about having a command that shows the LOS a unit will have after moving? You plot the movement commands and then choose the future LOS that will come out of the last move waypoint.

What do you think?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think that it, added to the hive-sharing of spotting/IDing, would allow some of the worst gaminess ever.

Just in case you havent noticed, the game is completely pro attacker. What you are suggesting is another feather in an attackers hat.

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You are right that feature i suggest is pro attacker but Field of view is clearly pro defender as it shows all the field of a unit that it already sees and since it marcks weapons efecctiveness it shows the best places for an ambush. It only helps to show something the real soldier knows but to us with a flat screen is more difficult

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That's one of the thing I'd always loved in Harpoon.

The way you can see your multi colored range for different weapons system and overlap them when and where need be.

It's Harpoon mind you...

Dunno if I would be too thrill by that in CM.

How would a grunt know that it has to move a little further left because the effective range of an ATG doesn't cover that 3 meters gap which is OBVIOUS to any one?


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