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Imprtant question involving tanks in CM:BO

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Ah, misguided youth...they certainly are in the force lists, but I guarantee you won't use them for long. Hideously slow, poor ROF and a gun which is frankly overkill on any Allied AFV. Oh yes, and the ability to get bogged on a dry road. There's nothing sadder than a bogged uberkitty. Still, it's your war, have fun.

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Holy crap! The front can be penetrated by tungsten rounds?!?! F&*%^&%&^

I read somewhere that the JagdTiger was impervious to most of the allied equipment, AT's included. The source could have been faulty. I just wanted to command one of those big sonsabitches as a sort of semi-defensive mobile structure. You know, for massive overkill on Allied armor =P

I guess if I want really effective anti-tank units I had better stick to Hetzers, Nashorns, and the standard AT guns eh?

[ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: New Age Santa ]

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JTs are fun but keep them at a distance. I have yet to actually lose one to anything allied. They do get bogged down so forget moving them off paved roads if the ground is wet. I never use them in QBs because they cost so damn much and the Panther fits the job just fine. Hetzer is a good AT vehicle.

But of course if you are going to kill tanks the AT guns are the most effective and cost efficient. 85 point 88mm Flak gun can whack most of the allied armor. And well the Pak43 can kill anything.

But it is always fun to use the JT every once in awhile to just beat targets into submission. smile.gif


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