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The Bloody Peng Loonies are Slowing Down the Server Again

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Title sneakily swiped from an earlier Marlow[ Abortion).

Okay, you gits, here are the Rules:

e.3) GO AWAY!

iii) GO AWAY (we mean it this time)!

X/2) See Rules e.3 and iii.

5) Okay, since you are obviously too dense to handle the simple rules above, try these on for size:

A) Pick out some INDIVIDUAL(not the pool at large). Taunt them with style and verve, alliterate and prevaricate. In short, Sound off like ya got a pair!

2) Do NOT, however, sound off ABOUT your pair. Style, verve, and wit are in; vulgarity, racial epithets, and comments regarding genitals or fecal matter are RIGHT OUT (and will, hopefully, get you thrown out).

qR3) Do not expect games with the senile old ones, rather focus on someother scum sucking newbie, for the enertainment of us all.

8) If you still intend to stick around, then MAYBE, Just Maybe, you might rise through the ranks to become a Knight of the One True Thread (yeah right).

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Mr. Spanky, you sniggering git "challenge" was left out! This isn't the PENG thread it must be the repository for PENG rejects like myself. Hey Joey prosecute Mr. Spanky! Hang'm from the yard arm or a gun barrel, no wait, better yet inundate him with incomprehensible inanities.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: DekeFentle ]

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First things first-

Geek, bite me! Your sole purpose in life appears to be running around yipping and yapping like some deranged lapdog. Go along outside before you make another mess on the carpet.

Now, for the more important stuff-

Although this fine thread was started by me a full seventeen minutes prior to the Mad Frenchman's abomination, he did have the wisdom, good sense and clarity to steal my idea for a new thread title.

Therefore, I must urge anyone who wandered into this thread to move along to the true home of the Muthah Beautiful Thread, located here.

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