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Two quick questions about CM:BB

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Two features I'm missing from CM:BO, any plans to implement the following in CM:BB?

The ability to somehow save all your 60 sec. action sequences and review the entire battle in real time after the game.

The ability to move a mass of troops, tanks and infantry, of different exp. levels, in formation (all pacing with the slowest unit).

I'm quite new to CM, so maybe the movement part is possible in CM:BO, I just haven't found out how without micromanagement (the start of A Walk in Paris for instance).

I'm sorry if these are long dead issues. Whenever I do a forum search, it times out and gives me an error. Any FAQ lists answer these?

Thank you for your attention.

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First of all welcome to the forum.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The ability to somehow save all your 60 sec. action sequences and review the entire battle in real time after the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

BTS is working on that.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm quite new to CM, so maybe the movement part is possible in CM:BO, I just haven't found out how without micromanagement (the start of A Walk in Paris for instance).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It takes time to get used to the game mechanics.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm sorry if these are long dead issues. Whenever I do a forum search, it times out and gives me an error. Any FAQ lists answer these?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There are two FAQ threads. One for CM:BB and CM:BO.

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Probably the simplest thing to do is to use the Move command. Even on the same terrain, this won't work perfectly, as experience levels lead to delays in start times, which create gaps. But these gaps will be shortest with the Move command, simply because troops travel a shorter distance walking for a few seconds than they would running for the same amount of time.

Depending on the experience difference/delay gap between the troops, you may be able to use the delay command to cause the more experienced troops. This won't work perfectly, as the difference in experience levels rarely works out to exactly 15 seconds.

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