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Tanks Better Than Infantry?

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If anyone would like to test an (nearly) all tank vs no tanks scenario, in a very tank favourable terrain, should try my new scenario for DFDR.

The Battle of Point 171

Ariete and 5th PzDiv overruns some hasty defence in the south end of the Gazala line.

- Currently in "Beta" version.

- Designed to be played as German commander vs the AI.

- Medium number of units, on a large flat open map.

A word of warning though: This is a real hog on the CPU! With my PIII/800 it takes roughly seven minutes to crunch each of the first couple of turns, until the number of running vehicles has dropped a great deal.

If you want to give it a try, mail me at




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In support of several of the replies here, I will say that it depends on your style of play, but tanks are definitely not worth as much as infantry under a majority of conditions. All of my most lopsided wins have been when I have taken an all infantry (with ATG) defense and the other guy didn't know I didn't have any tanks.

I would also give it a go without the ATG provided I could load up on schrecks some as it would be very unrealistic to expect an infantry force to attempt to stand in place with no AT capability.

I will gladly take a no tank force of equal points without feeling disadvantaged provided I get either guns or schrecks.

And for the record, my best schreck kill was against jdmorse in Coldstream Guards - 218 m first shot front-on into a Sherman III.

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Infantry is the Queen of the battlefield. An all tank force is much too vulnerable when unsupported. A tank's superior range is its only major advantage. If that can be overcome, it's toast.

I've taken out an M8 GMC at 205m with a schrek and I've also waxed a StuGIII at 193m with a PIAT. Ma Duce can whack thin skinned vehicles, including AC's, at moderate ranges. So can rifle grenades. Engineers with demo charges are hell on any vehicle and a faust can kill anything within range.

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i love my tanks King tiger :D:D:D

but on the other hand my king tiger was taken out by a normal infantry sqaud with granades ! wow i said but unless your looking any thing can happen i mean look at saveing private ryan hay that happened ! :cool: !

well not really but the sock bomb or what ever it was called would { in theary } work!

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Here's my 2 cents:

I did a quick battle just to try all armor against all infantry. I had 7 Super Pershings. I can't remember the points total but I think it was 2000 and medium quality. Moderate woods. 2 flags. I rushed and took the 2 victory flags which were about 200 metres apart. I had pretty good LOS on both sides and the front. The German infantry came in and I eventually lost all 7 tanks to fausts in about 8 turns. No Panzerschreks got any shots off at me. Case closed.

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