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CMBO: Bourgebus - & Bourquebus ridge AARs

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This is a very nice scenario! I played it as the germans and got -no surprise- a total Axis victory.

Allied Attacker

521 casualities ( 116 KIA )

131 captured

11 mortars destroyed

70 vehicles knocked out

Men OK: 77

Score: 3

Axis Defender

29 casualities ( 7 KIA )

1 gun destroyed ("Acht-Acht Flak")

Men OK: 531

Score: 97

Allied surrender (on turn 37 of 45), Axis total victory.


A few questions came to my mind while playing through this:

1. I set an ambush for the british reconaissance vehicles (some Stuart V & White scout cars), after I had knocked them out I ordered my troops to hide again to set a new ambush for the following tanks ( Sherman V, Sherman VC Firefly, Cromwell IV, Cromwell VII, Cromwell VIII and Challenger), this was very effective. Now, should this be possible? Shouldn't the crews / infantry of the reconaissance force warn the following troops where my guns / troops are hidden?

(The 88mm Flak gun I lost was commanded by Rottenführer Hoffmann, he decided to ignore orders and didn't hide again, his gun shot 1x Stuart V, 2x White scout car, 1x Sherman V, 2x Cromwell IV and caused 8x infantry casualities...he died shouting orders when a direct hit destroyed his gun...)

2. Why wasn't there more Allied air support?

I only noticed two aircraft during the battle, they didn't do any damage...

3. Why is there no Allied heavy artillery support? Those 2 inch mortars are pretty useless in my opinion...

4. Why is this game so damn cool and does even simulate Nahverteidigungswaffen for german tanks? ;)

After knocking out every allied tank I ordered a counterattack, many Tommies were caught between five Panther G and four Panzer IV and Waffen-SS infantry, at first I thought they wouldn't surrender but after horrible losses they showed some sense and threw their weapons away...

Thanks a lot for this scenario!

Regards, Trommelfeuer.

P.S. Where can I get a nice british vehicle crew Mod ? I searched http://www.combatmission.com/ and http://cmoutpost.net/ but I cannot find (for example) Ed Durkin's british vehicle crew...


Any ideas where to find them?

[ November 01, 2003, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: Trommelfeuer ]

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Yup, it's definetly there...


...and it causes deadly airbursts! :eek:

(The Panther turret manual calls it the "2,6cm Sprenggranatpatrone mit Zeitzünder Lp" (explosive round with time fuze). This was a high explosive round that had a range of 7-10 meters and with the timed fuze of 1 second would normally explode 0.5 to 2 meters above the ground. This round was fired from a normal Leuchtpistole (flare gun) or Kampfpistole (rifled flare gun) using the Nahverteidigungswaffe tube as a large pistol port. It was used to combat close assaulting infantry in the "dead zone" around the tank.)

----> http://www.custermen.net/nahvert/nah.htm

Regards, Trommelfeuer

[ October 28, 2003, 03:01 PM: Message edited by: Trommelfeuer ]

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Because they didn't have the support in real life. I quote:

The German opposition, it was considered by British Intelligence, would be knocked out by the bombardment and the armour would encounter little significant opposition. However, the key features of Allied supremacy during the Normandy campaign (air power and artillery) would evaporate as the morning of the 18th July went on. Artillery faded and close tactical air support which would have been critical in maintaining the suppression caused by the heavy overnight aerial bombardment was hindered by the loss of the only Forward Air Controller early in the morning.


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correct,at least from what i have read,the allies launched a massive bombing campaign with heavy bombers.

The allies thought this should be enough to soften up the German defense,in reality they only knocked out some infantry and some scattered vehicles.

One of their first columns drove straigth into an ambush by a Flak battery and Stugs.

The airattack had one advantage,a Tiger company was hit,and their aiming devices were damaged.

Still those tanks remained as a formidable threath.

Btw Rune,

I am still waiting on comments from you about this scenario and my seelow battle.....


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please read the German briefing after you played the battle.

it contains a nice story about a brave officer.


Seelow is CMBB,you asked me to send it to you and to Warphead.....If I am right :rolleyes:

I think you told me Warphead had a lot of stuff about Seelow,but it could have been someone else too ;)

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I'm currently playing Rune's version of this battle in a PBEM. I'm the Axis and we're pretty far into it and I'm trying to finish off his Cromwells with my newly arrived Panthers. I still have a couple Tigers, one a King!

I was cursing early on when my 88's couldn't pick off his Stuarts coming behind a low ridge and they breached my lines moving fast causing real havoc on my gun crews. Luckily my panzershrecks and panzerfauts held them off till some armor arrived. I'll let you know how this one ends up. Not sure the AI could handle this one real well from either side and is more geared for PBEM. My opponent had some problems though keeping his armor targeting my armor without the benifit of cover arcs as in CMBB.

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Bourquebus ridge( by Henk Stoffers )- SPOILERS BELOW!!!

The British attack to break out of the caen area.

Operation Goodwood was spearheaded by the 11th Armored division.

3rd Royal tanks and Fife and Forfar yeomanry regiments moved out early in the morning.

Waiting for them were the Germans heavy pounded by a brutal air and artillerybombardment but still ready to fight.

This attack proved to be a huge failure for the Brits,can you do it better?

Yes Sir, I think so! smile.gif

I'm not through with this scenario (...'cause I lack the time to do more then several turns a day...), but this battle is very enjoyable! It's getting better and better with every turn!


Two Daimler ACs and four Sherman III with mounted infantry (1x platoon hq, 2x engineer squad, 1x rifle squad) form my "spearhead on the road.

Two Wasps and one MMG carrier are on the left side of the road. A Humber SC is waiting further back on the road.

All other tanks are near the railroad tracks.

One column with four Sherman III and one Sherman II to the left, the same to the right, and four Fireflies in between the railroad tracks.

All infantry troops are mounted.

While taking a look at the area one thought comes to my mind - this is bad terrain...so many rough areas, my tanks near on the railway embankment can be easily spotted from miles away...this is going to be a deathride...anyway - we have our orders so let's go!

Turn 1

Order Phase:

Two german assault guns (Stug IIIGs over 1500m away on the far right flank south-eastwards) and one unidentified truck (over 1400m away on the left flank) are spotted.

All Fireflies and the tanks left to the tracks aim for the Sturmgeschütze and the tanks right to the tracks aim for the truck.

The columns are ordered to advance slowly straight ahead.

Two 3 inch mortar FOs and their company hq are ordered to disembark,

My "spearhead" is ordered to ignore the targets and race with full speed on the road to the far right flank. The Wasps and the MMG carrier shall advance near the road and take cover in a wheat field before the road makes a turn, the Humber SC is ordered to wait behind.

Action Phase:

One StugIIIG is quickly knocked out by Sgt MacDonald's Firefly, the other Stug disappears behind clouds of smoke.

The columns near the tracks are in disorder because some commanders try to reverse out of LOS of the Stugs.

The FOs are going into position in between the tracks.

My spearhead is advancing very fast on the road with the Daimlers far ahead. When they reached the road-turn to the right, cannon fire from the woods some 700m to their left can be heard. MacAlister's Daimler is almost hit, he orders his driver to maintian speed and calls for help.

Turn 2

Order Phase:

The 3 inch mortar FOs aim for the woods where the cannon fire came from, Lt Whitesell calls for smoke rounds and Lt Archibald calls for fire for effect.

I try to bring some order to the messed up tank colums by ordering them to move on.

Cpl Clancy's Humber SC is orderd to follow the spearhead at full speed.

All other units maintain orders.

Action Phase:

The Daimlers gain LOS to the unidentified cannon in the woods and spot a Sdkfz 251/1 and a Wirbelwind straight ahead.

Sgt MacAlister is sweating like a madman, tracers from the Wirbelwind and the Sdkfz 251/1 fly past, he opens fire on the Wirbelwind and misses. The sharp crack of the unidentified cannon is heard again and again - the Daimler is not hit. The race goes on, death flies past, but with speed and luck he manages to score a side-armor penetrating hit on the Wirbelwind, disabling the sucker, and it seems like a miracle - the cannon in the woods loses LOS to the Daimlers.

Sgt Vane seems to have a lucky day too, his Daimler gets through the fire and past the dangerous gun in the woods.

The Crew from the knocked out Wirbelwind is taken under fire.

Several Shermans and Fireflies open fire on the cannon in the woods and force the crew into cover.

The Wasps and the MMG carrier leave the road and hide in the wheat field.

Turn 3

Order Phase:

No big change of orders here, some tanks remain firing on the cannon in the woods and others are orderd to fire smoke rounds into the woods.

Three Sherman III have LOS to the Sdkfz 251/1 to the south-east.

The Shermans with the mounted engineers also fire smoke rounds into the woods.

I'm still waiting for the 3 inch mortar fire, but this will take at least another 55 seconds...

Action Phase:

Sgt Cotrell's Sherman III scores a hit on the Sdkfz 251/1, the vehicle blows up and sends oily black smoke to the sky. The crew and some infantry bail out and head westwards.

The "spearhead" Shermans roll on, firing smoke rounds into the woods, some shots from the unidentified "woods"-cannon fly past while MacAlister and Vane kill the Wirbelwind crew.

The four Sherman III are leaving the dangerous area nd drive past the woods to join the two Daimlers.

The StugIII (late) to the south-east comes into view again and is destroyed by Sgt Fife's Firefly. Another oily black smoke marks the destruction site of an enemy vehicle.

The Humber SC "flies" over the road and is not threatened by any fire.

At the end of the turn the first 3 inch smoke rounds and grenades start falling into the suspicious woods.

Turn 4

Order Phase:

The "spearhead" Shermans with the mounted infantry are ordered to leave the road and advance to the woods from the south-east, five Sherman IIIs and one Sherman II are ordered to leave the dangerous area near the tracks and drive to the north-east.

(..the colums are still in quite disorder...)

All other units maintain orders.

Action Phase:

Smoke and explosions run through the woods, my troops keep on moving, MG 42 chatter is heard from somewhere (from the east?), but nothing big happens.

Turn 5

Order Phase:

The Daimlers ACs and the Humber SC are ordered to hunt for the crew and the passengers of the Sdkfz 251/1. All other units keep on moving.

The 3 inch mortar FOs quit fire and move to the north-east. (...which should prove to be a fault...I should have fired more smoke-rounds into those woods...)

The engineer squads get disembark orders near the woods.

Action Phase:

The Daimlers and the Humber drive over the railway embankment and gain LOS to the passengers of the Sdkfz 251/1. It turns out to be a battalion hq!

In the crossfire of three armored vehicles they die a quick death. Sgt Vane is wounded during the action.

The surviving crewmember of the Sdkfz 251/1 is running for his life...

The two engineer squads, their platton hq and the rifle squad disembark and check weapons before they will storm into the woods.

Everyone else keeps on moving.

Turn 6

Order Phase:

Sgt Higgins and Sgt Sexton's engineer squad shall advance into the woods an take out the damned unidentified enemy gun.

Lt Mead is right behind them to do the same.

Sgt Morrow's rifle squad will do the same while two Shermans stand ready to provide covering-fire when the smoke clears and two Shermans have orders to move around the edge of the woods.

The Daimlers and the Humber are ordered to advance eastwards to the hills to kill the Sdkfz 251/1 crew on the way.

All other units keep on moving.

Action Phase:

Higgins'engineers and Morrow's men stumble across a gun - it's a 88mm Flak! (Flak =Flugabwehrkanone = anti-air cannon) The gun-crew is aiming at Sgt Clay's Sherman III. In seconds the "Acht-Acht" crew is torn apart by handgrenades, mg and rifle fire. The gun is destroyed. A company headquarter opens fire on Higgins' men from 10m away and causes two casualities.

Lt Mead and Sgt Sexton's men storm into another "Acht-Acht"...man these woods are a deathtrap...

Threatened to be overrun the gun crew is trying to fire at Sexton's men, but it is too slow...all but one crew members are killed, the survivor raises his hands and surrenders. Lt Mead loses one man in the fight.

Meanwhile Sgt Clay's and Sgt Ellington's Sherman III have moved along the edge of the woods and a third "Acht-Acht" Flak comes into view. They quickly open fire with cannons and machineguns and destroy this deadly weapon, one crewmember survives and surrenders. Sgt Clay is credited with the destruction of the gun.

A loud crack indicates another gun deeper in the woods, 800m to the north Sgt Nevis Sherman III is hit on the railroad embankment and catches fire after some seconds. All five crewmen of Nevis' tank survive (although they are burned, bruised and shocked..), the mounted infantry has also no losses but they are quite shaken and panicked.

Lt Mead recalls:" I thought I was dreaming. It all went so quick, we had destroyed three deadly guns in one minute, I couldn't believe it. The cannon fire deeper in the woods, the firefight of Higgins men and the moaning of my deadly wounded comrade took me back into reality. We were still in a very dangerous situation and our tanks near the railway embankment to the north were threatened. We had to move on..."

To the south-east the Sdkfz 251/1 crewman dies and another Stug IIIG comes into view. (...it has no LOS to the Daimlers, only to my Fireflies in the centre...)

Turn 7

Order Phase:

Mead's and Sexton's men are ordered to move deeper into the woods to destroy the fourth gun and to look for enemy infantry, Higgins' and Morrow's men shall take out the enemy company headquarter.

Three fireflies and three Sherman III aim for the "new" Stug IIIG.

My tanks on the left flank are ordered to reach for the street that leads to the town to the north-east.

The Wasps and the MMG carrier shall move straight to the east. (to the victory flag in the centre)

Everybody else keeps on moving.

Action Phase:

The enemy company headquarter soldiers are killed by rifle fire and a demolition charge.

Mead's and Sexton's men storm the fourth "Acht-Acht" Flak and disable it by killing the crew.

The Sturmgeschütz (Stug IIIG) to the south-east is destroyed by MacDonald'S Firefly.

HMG barking is heard from deeper within the woods.

Enemy HMG fire is also coming from the east and is forcing Sgt Baldrick's mounted rifle squad to disembark near the railway embankment, two casualities are left behind, the others run for cover.

The two POWs are guarderd by Morrow's men.

Sgt Clay's, Sgt Ellington's and Sgt Camden's tanks are turning eastwards again...Sgt Baldrick's Sherman III stays near the engineeers.

The five Sherman IIIs and the Sherman II have reached the street.


(Morrow's men guard the POWs, Clay's Sherman III turns his attention westwards, Nevis' tank can be seen burning in the background...)

Turn 8

Order Phase:

Higgins, Mead and Sexton have orders to join forces to advance eastwards to clear the woods...the damned mg must be somewhere near...

The Daimlers shall advance farther eastwards. (to the victory flag located there)

The tanks on my left flank have to advance now, I order them to drive on the road through the nearby woods towards the town.

The fireflies have also order to turn to the town to the north.

Action Phase:

As the tanks on my left flank start to drive to the woods, two large caliber artillery rounds come down near the road.

A HMG is spotted near the vitory flag in the centre, a Shermans III, a Sherman II, a Firefly and the MMG carrier open fire.

Sgt Meier's mounted rifle squad is pinned by the enemy mg, they have to disembark and run for cover.

Nothing else than movement happens.

Turn 9

Order Phase:

Higgins, Mead and Sexton have joined forces and shall sneak westwards through the woods.

Sgt Baldrick's Sherman III advances along the edge of the woods in the same direction.

I have no reason to change the other orders so I keep my men going.

Action Phase:

The two Wasps are near enough the enemy HMG in the middle and start a firestorm with their flamethrowers.

The enemies leave their foxhole and die a painful death. Another HMG team further up the hill reveals it's position and opens fire.

My 3 inch mortar FO's have reached their position in a small forest, they have LOS to the outskirts of the town and to the church in the middle of the town.

Everyone else is on the move.

Turn 10

Order Phase:

Keep on moving boys!

I suspect there are enemy troops hidden in the church (maybe even a forward artillery observer ?)...so the 3 inch mortar FOs aim for the church and call for fire for effect.

Action Phase

Mead and his two engineer squads sneak through the woods when suddenly a Fallschirmjäger squad opens fire from their foxholes.

They are positioned on a small hill 25m away from Higgins' squad.

A fierce firefight begins, Stielhandgranten are thrown downhill and egg-handgrenades and another demolition charge are flying uphill...

Two of Sexton's men and six Fallschirmjäger die during the fight.

The remaining Fallschirmjäger lose their nerves and run away...

In the south-east another Stug III comes into view, it is showing it's broad-side to MacAlister's Daimler AC.

MacAlister waists no time and fires a shot straight into the side armour of the enemy. The Sturmgeschütz is immediately knocked out and it's crew runs away.

In the middle Cpl Thomas' Wasp is hit by many mg rounds and one crewmen is heavily wounded.

The german mg keeps on spitting lead and kills one man of Nolan's rifle squad.

To the north-east Sgt McGregor's Sherman and two other Shermans are near the town when they spot some german infantry in rough terrain. Mg and HE rounds mow them down, it was a platoon hq.

McGrecor enters the outskirts of the town, and when his tank reaches the T-crossroads, a german truck, another Stug IIIG and several german Wehrmacht soldiers in the town are spotted.


(MacAlister knocks another german AFV out of action...)

Turn 11

Order Phase:

McGrecor's, Page's and Houghton's Sherman III aim for the spotted Stug III in the town and are ordered to reverse.

Walters' rifle squad, Lancaster's and Carter's rifle teams, Graham's 2 inch mortar team and Ridley's platoon hq have orders to disembark and take cover behind the stone walls.

Nelson's Sherman III, Roland's Sherman II, Cottrell's Sherman V have orders to leave the woods 500m south-west the town and join McGregor and the others.

Lt Larrington's platoon hq calls for his men to assemble in the woods, his squads are in disorder and far away from another.

Bailey's and MacDonald's Fireflies are 450m to the south of the town and shall cross a wheat field to reach the T-crossing.

Fife's and Gibson's Fireflies are still farther away to the south west, but they have roughly the same destination.

My brave engineers are ordered to hunt the retreating Fallschirmjäger...

Action Phase

The retreating Fallschirmjäger in the woods decide to run in the wrong direction-they are running to the north, straight in front of Baldrick's Sherman III...they are quickly mowed down.

My engineers reach the western edge of the woods and are greeted by a hail of machinegun bullets, 150m of open rough terrain are between them and the enemy HMG, which is positioned in another small forest to the west...

In the town things go crazy, Houghton destroys the Stug IIIG and the truck, now two guns reveal their position to the left and to the right of the T-crossroads by firing at MacGregor's Sherman...many ricochets are the result, it seems the unidentified guns are some small caliber ones.

Another Stug IIIG becomes visible but before it can do any damgage it is knocked out by Sgt Page's Sherman III. After this two more Sturmgeschütze IIIG come rolling into view, it seems I've found a nest here...one is put out of action by MacGregor and the other becomes a victim of Houghton's gunner.

Graham's 2 inch mortar is destroyed and Walters' squad loses one man in a fire exchange with enemy soldiers in the scattered trees near the town...

But you know, before the turn ends a fifth Stug III shows itself...and the first 3 inch mortar rounds start falling.

Turn 12

Order Phase:

My engineers have orders to avoid the direct approach to the enemy HMG, they shall run back into the woods and go around the mg to attack in from the south.

Other orders are only aiming for targets.

Action Phase

In the town, the church catches fire and heavy 3 inch mortar rounds fall all over the place.The fifth Stug IIIG is destroyed by Houghton's Sherman III, the unidentified light gun (20mm Flak) is abandoned and some Wehrmacht soldiers run for cover.

Walters' rifle squad has another casualty and is pinned down by two Wehrmacht squads firing out of the scattered trees. Walters' men are panicked and try to crawl to the next building but are pinned down.

Carter leads his rifle squad next to Walters' men and is also taken under heavy fire.

Carter disobeyed orders (...he had orders to keep his squad behind the stonewall and to provide fire support for Walters' men...) to help his old friend Walters...

Some Stug III crewmen are running for cover to the forest.

Until now at least six german infantry squads are spotted in the scattered treeline...

In the centre the lonely german HMG is still holding out against two Wasps (one damaged), one MMG carrier, one Sherman III, one Sherman II, a rifle squad and a Piat team...really tough guys...

At the end of the turn the church crashes into rubble...


(Five disabled Sturmgeschütze, retreating crewmen and the burning church can be seen here...)

Turn 13

Order Phase:

Baldrick's Sherman is ordered to advance over the small hill to attack the enemy mg directly.

8 tanks have now assembled near the T-crossing and are given different targets.

Page, Houghton and MacGregor are ordered to drive straight over the stonewalls towards the scattered trees to support Walters's and Carter's squads.

Nelson, MacDonald and Bailey are ordered to advance on the road into the town...

In the centre of the map everyone is waiting for Bannister to crush the german MG beneath his Sherman II tracks...

On the right flank Baldrick is ordered to drive on top of the hill to attack the german HMG in the forest while the Mead's engineers are still running through the woods to get into the back of the enemy...

Action Phase

While Page, Houghton and MacGregor are driving over the stonewalls a Wirbelwind Flak-Panzer emerges behind the burning ruins of the church and rumbles through the battered town. Before it can hide behind a small building MacGregor's gunner sends a grenade into it's side armor and it comes to a halt, oily black smoke begins to drift into the sky.

Another Stug IIIG moves onto the road and is quickly knocked out by MacDonald's Firefly.

Walters's and Carter's squads are down to seven and six men, but Page, Houghton and MacGregor send most of the germans fleeing deeper into the scattered trees.

The second unidentified light gun is destroyed by a 75mm grenade from Page's Sherman III.

In the centre the lonely german HMG team is still holding out against overwhelming odds...

On the right flank Baldrick's Sherman III reaches the hilltop and is immediately forced to button up because of heavy incoming mg fire.

The Sherman is also spitting lead and fires grenades at the german HMG team when suddenly a Panzerschreck team near the german HMG postion opens fire. Two Panzerschreck grenades are fired, both fall too short to harm Baldrick's tank but his driver looses his nerves and reverses downhill to get out of the line of fire.

...Update coming soon...

Greetings, Sven

P.S. I'm sorry for my poor english...

[ November 02, 2003, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: Trommelfeuer ]

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Thanks for the reply!

cant wait to read the rest of it...

You seem to do much better than the guy who did a review on the depot and better than your historical counterpart ;)

On the other hand,the historical commander thought that all Germans were dead because of the airbombardment while you have absolute the knowledge something is waiting for you:D

The huge number of rough terrain tiles was done to give you not too much chance to avoid the historical ambush.

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You seem to do much better than the guy who did a review on the depot and better than your historical counterpart ;)

On the other hand, the historical commander thought that all Germans were dead because of the airbombardment while you have absolute the knowledge something is waiting for you:D

Of course you are right, I knew there was something waiting for me...and without my fast Daimlers, lots of smoke and even more luck my units would have been butchered by the 88mm Flak battery in the first turns...

...I also thought I was doing a good job, but when the Panthers came my impression changed...I fought them off though, and was feeling good again, but then the Tigers came...argh, I thought: "Ja, that's it, now my troops are going to drown in blood..."

I'm not going to write the complete AAR, because it would really have too many Spoilers in it (When and where the Axis reinforcements arrive wouldn't be such a nice surprise for other CMBO-gamers if I tell 'em.. ;) ), and it would take me a long time to write it (too long), although I only needed 50 of 60 turns to win.

Allied Attacker

56 casualities ( 16 KIA )

1 mortar destroyed

9 vehicles knocked out

(1x Daimler AC, 4x Sherman III, 3x Cromwell IV, 1x Cromwell VI)

Men OK: 394

Score: 86

Axis Defender

339 casualities ( 107KIA )

96 captured

2 mortars destroyed

6 guns destroyed

(4x 88mm Flak, 2x 20mm Flak)

34 vehicles knocked out

(2x truck, 1x Sdkfz 251/1, 3x Flakpanzer Wirbelwind, 4x Sturmgeschütz IIIG, 8x Sturmgeschütz IIIG (late), 8x Panther A, 4x Panther G, 4x Tiger)

Men OK: 49

Score: 14


This scenario is very good, it offers many surprises and you are forced to use good tactis or you'll certainly lose.

I made many mistakes, just to name a few:

* Most of my infantry squads were separated from their hqs, it took a long while to reorganize this mess.

* I deployed most of my units in and near the town, the other mission objectives were taken but the defence was very weak.

Right flank:

3x Sherman III and 2x Daimler AC held the victory flag without infantry support, their infantry support was (Lt Mead and his engineer squads)going berserk in the forest until they were low on ammunition and had high casualities.

But the engineers were very succesful, here's their score:

Lt Mead: 10 infantry casualities caused, 1 gun destroyed, 3 own casualities.

Sgt Higgins: 12 infantry casualities caused, 1 infantry captured, 1 gun destroyed, 6 own casualities

Sgt Sexton: 27 infantry casualities caused, 1 infantry captured, 1 gun destroyed, 6 own casualities

---> And this was against veteran Fallschirmjäger, not against a bunch of green troops...


2x Wasp, 1x MMG carrier, 1x Sherman III, 1x Sherman II, 1x Piat team and 1x rifle team held the flag there, oh boy...

Left flank:

All my other units and most of my reinforcments were rushed there except for four Cromwells...(right, those four Cromwells were destroyed, but their sacrifice safed the day...)

I think I've learned how to improve some of my tactics while playing this scenario, and I had much fun... smile.gif

(...and I learned to curse the RAF, my air-support was strafing the same Wirbelwind wreck again and again...)

Greetings, Sven

[ November 03, 2003, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: Trommelfeuer ]

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Thanks for the reply!

After my across the bridge battle(which was very bad)I have improved my battlemakingskills,I also took advantage of having a few good players for testing.

If you liked this one you will certainly like the 1940 scenario I have made.

Would you mind to write a review for the depot?


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Would you mind to write a review for the depot?
Just did it, I also added my AAR. smile.gif

I'm sorry for messing the AAR up, I didn't know how to add bold / italic letters or images to it, so it's quite a strange read right now...but after all, the AAR is not that bad...

I'll try your other scenarios in the future, right now I'm busy with the Stalingrad pack for CMBBB...

Grettings, Sven

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