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INCOMING!! - AussieJeff's NEW DFDR mods!!

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Well I have just completed 'stage1' of the conversion to the new DFDR camo scheme.

I am about to send hi and lo res DFDR ground texture sets as well as new DFDR Churchill, M5A1 Stuart, M8HMC, M10-TD & Cromwell mods to Logan at WWW.DFDR.net for everyone to start downloading ;)

Crikey, me eyes are goin' SQUARE!!! :eek:

Have fun with that lot and be ready to download some more soon!!

Good day chaps.......


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Hey Jeff, Shatter again.

I sure am glad to see some more mods for DFDR.

I was wondering if you plan on redoing the German vehicles? DFDR really needs a new Hetzer mod, as well as half tracks.

I am just not very happy with my setup for the Germans vehicles. I have a CD, I burnt with over 650Meg of Mods and another CD with all the DFDR mods. I have been up all night picking and chosing mods for the Germans. I just can't get the Germans vehicles to look very good with the terrain.

I was wondering if you or someone else could give some suggestions on the mods to use for the Germans in DFDR???

What about the mono color mods(plain tan), do they go well with DFDR.

My allied vehicles are pretty descent, but the German stuff, does not blend with the terrain at all.

If you could throw me a few suggestions, I would appreciate it.

Also would it be better for me to become a member at DFDR site, and ask these question there?

Thanks Shatter

[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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Hi Shatter,

I tend to agree with you with regard to a lot of the German units. Many of them have got very bright colors (orange/yellow/greens) that do not blend at all well with any of the DFDR mod tilesets so far :cool: .

I DO intend to get around to modding the Axis units to suit this latest (and dare I say it - FINAL) DFDR color scheme. I did post up a Lynx a short while ago that should look half reasonable with the new tilesets until it too gets DFDR fine-tuned!

If you can hang on few a few weeks I should have finished re-coloring my complete Allied

Vehicles and Guns set as well as all of the Allied Armour. Then comes the Axis units.

I am also going to modify roads, stone walls, trees and rocks, rough etc.....to suit the new khaki/tan color scheme. These should be available shortly.

So, hang in there and certainly drop in to the www.DFDR.net if you have a mind to!! smile.gif



[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Hi Shatter,

I tend to agree with you with regard to a lot of the German units. Many of them have got very bright colors (orange/yellow/greens) that do not blend at all well with any of the DFDR mod tilesets so far :cool: .

I DO intend to get around to modding the Axis units to suit this latest (and dare I say it - FINAL) DFDR color scheme. I did post up a Lynx a short while ago that should look half reasonable with the new tilesets until it too gets DFDR fine-tuned!

If you can hang on few a few weeks I should have finished re-coloring my complete Allied

Vehicles and Guns set as well as all of the Allied Armour. Then comes the Axis units.

I am also going to modify roads, stone walls, trees and rocks, rough etc.....to suit the new khaki/tan color scheme. These should be available shortly.

So, hang in there and certainly drop in to the www.DFDR.net if you have a mind to!! smile.gif



[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Cool, I'm glad there are plans for the Axis vehicles to be changed.

Also I do have the Lynx mod you are referring to. The Lynx is one of the very few Axis mods, I like for DFDR.

Thanks for the news.

[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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I'll admit, after the terrain set, buildings, interface, and scenarios I for one was more than ready to release DFDR sans vehicles. And most of the DAK vehicles to date have been... wanting.

Jeff's PZII clinched the decision to ask Jeff to help out. And we're not sorry! My original intention for the desert vehicles coloration was something like this...


It's just someone else's Tiger recolored and I never released it. However, the point may be moot soon with the coming of Jeff's pale mods. smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot:


Jeff's PZII clinched the decision to ask Jeff to help out. And we're not sorry! My original intention for the desert vehicles coloration was something like this...


It's just someone else's Tiger recolored and I never released it. However, the point may be moot soon with the coming of Jeff's pale mods. smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Hey Clubfoot

What Tiger mod is that. It does not look like one from any of the DFDR packs, or any other Tiger mod I have(and I have a lot of them).

Could you tell me where this Tiger mod is, or could you send it to me?

Thanks Shatter

[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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Hey, Club!!

That Tiger is almost the right color for the new terrain mod. If you want to e-mail me the .bmp's I will tune it up for you ! :D

I sent the terrain tiles and first batch of Allied Armour to Logan last night so they will be available ASAP.

More soon.......


AussieJeff ;)

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Well, you really can't get it anywhere. The only place it's ever existed is on my machine. As far as I can recall, it's the MDMP Tiger, which I simply doctored up. I'll see if I still have it. If I do, I'll send it to you (and you, Jeff).

[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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I have been up all night picking and chosing mods

LOL! Maaaan I know that feeling well! I guess I am not the only one that does these things. I spent 8 straight hours one day playing with all sorts of different sets of terrain and then vehicles. Believe it or not I have just as much fun doing this at times as I do playing the game. Then other times it's just a big pain in the ass 'cause I can't get that certain look that I want!! Hang in there Shatter.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mord:

I have been up all night picking and chosing mods

LOL! Maaaan I know that feeling well! I guess I am not the only one that does these things. I spent 8 straight hours one day playing with all sorts of different sets of terrain and then vehicles. Believe it or not I have just as much fun doing this at times as I do playing the game. Then other times it's just a big pain in the ass 'cause I can't get that certain look that I want!! Hang in there Shatter.



Mord, thanks for the words of confidence, I sure glad I am on summer break from college. I sure would of been tired today, if I had any classes.

Ya I too think I have just as much fun arranging mods at times, and yes other times it is a big pain in the ass.

I took a brake from the mods, for a bit. I am now getting back to it.

Well here goes another night on picking and chosing mods for DFDR.



[ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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Up all night again, finally have my Axis forces looking pretty good, except for the Tiger.

Clubfoot, please could I get that Tiger Mod from you???

Or if you can't find it, could anybody send me a Tiger Mod that fits with DFDR desert conversion?

I only have 2 Tiger mods for desert conversion, the one at Madmatt's site and the one from DFDR conversion, they both are crappy. These 2 mods are just way to bright, almost orange.

I have gone through all the other Tiger Mods and nothing really will fit with DFDR desert conversion.

If I could just get this Tiger Mod, my Germans will be looking great.

Everything else looks really good, and then there sits this ugly ass Tiger.

Please somebody help me out.


[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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Hey AussieJeff,

I don't think Clubfoot can find this Tiger mod. :(

I have a Tiger mod that is semi close to the color, I would like. The only problem is it has foilage on, bright green at that. I also have one that looks just like the mod above except it is a darker brown.

Now, I just bought PhotoShop 6 a couple days ago. I am just learning learning how it works. I am no where near taking on a mod myself yet. I hope to be doing mods of my own in the near future.

So I was hoping maybe, if I sent both of these mods to you, maybe just maybe you could get them a little closer to the mod above (color wise).

The Tigers I have are just a major eye sore.

If you could fix me up, I promise I will be happy until you get to all the Axis mods for DFDR, and I promise to quit bugging you and Clubfoot about a Tiger mod.

[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeT:

Shatter, have you seen the desert Tiger that Fernando did? It is at CMHQ.http://www.combatmission.com/mods/germantanks.asp



Ya I have the Tiger Mod from CMHQ, It just not fit with the rest of my Germans vehicles for DFDR. It is just to bright.

Thanks anyway


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Well, you're correct Shatter. I can't find that DAK Tiger (I think I 86'ed it some time ago). Keep an eye out though, I have a feeling one like it might just appear at the site this weekend. ;)

Everyone waiting for Jeff's new "pale packs", expect to see them up this weekend also!

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Hi Shatter,


heh heh.........

I have no problem if you want to e-mail me the Tiger bmp's I'll have a look at 'em and see what I can do in the short term.

I just hope the light khaki camo scheme available for download SOON is going to be up to everyone's expectations...!! (I've had it on my PC for a week now and I sure as hell like the look of it :D )

I've already started on the Allied vehicles color conversion. Bit by bit I will get there!!

Hi ho............


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I have no problem if you want to e-mail me the Tiger bmp's I'll have a look at 'em and see what I can do in the short term.


Hey Jeff I have looked in your Profile here as well as DFDR board, and your e-mail is not listed.

Send me your e-mail address

Mine is Superhorsegt@aol.com or get it from my profile, on either site.

Then I will send you the Tigers mods, I am refering to. I am not really conserned with options for the time being just the color.

The new Khaki look or the mono tan, would be preferable, just what ever you can do to get them closer to the desert terrain.

Thanks alot.


[ 06-16-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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