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It occurs to me on my way to my car this morning, after running off at the mouth YET AGAIN in response to Simon, that Kitty's original comment in the Frontsoldaten thread was aimed at the author who wrote the comments,not the poster who posted them.

As stupid as it sounds, that really didn't occur to me until now.

Had I realized that (ie, had I not had my head planted up my ass) I certainly wouldn't have presumed to lecture Kitty on manners.


Obviously, calling an author a twit is fair game. And calling other posters a twit, when they act like one is fair game, too. (umm...yeah....guess that would be me right now....)

For what it's worth, I stand by the rationale of my post, and I don't think either Dupuy or the poster are twits for saying what they did...for the reasons indicated elsewhere, and I also think, Kitty, you came to a pretty hasty conclusion - but you of course have every right to draw those conclusions, and your comments weren't, to me, after considering them, inappropriate.

Anyway, I thought you were bringing a bit of the Cesspool into what was intended to be a serious discussion, I was clearly wrong, and I apologize for any offence caused. I was tempted to go back and edit my comments out, but that wouldn't be a very honourable thing to do, so I'll let my idiocy stand.

I am really not trying to be the arbiter of what is acceptable on this forum - that is up to BTS - and I will admit to having been preachy. We all have our quirks, and like any group, we all have people who push our buttons just by breathing, or in this case, typing. I think the better people among us try to overlook these kinds of things; I can see I need to improve myself in this area. I just like to see people treated fairly - I thought Kitty was unfairly treating someone with something significant to say (I was wrong), and if there is any justification possible for my comments, that is it.

Now...the only thing I have to apologze to you for, Simon, is the fact that I'm truly sorry that YOU were the one to call me on it! Blah!

(No doubt your Hair trigger sermonizer comment is close to the mark)

I think I will go hang out in the Scenario Design forum. Its so nice and quiet and peaceful there, and everyone loves each other....

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

It occurs to me on my way to my car this morning, after running off at the mouth YET AGAIN in response to Simon, that Kitty's original comment in the Frontsoldaten thread was aimed at the author who wrote the comments,not the poster who posted them.


In case anyone is wondering, I interpreted Kitty's post to mean that she thought that the author of the quote was a twit, not me, since I only wondered at the casualty claeim enough to post it and ask for comments..

Of course, I then interpreted Michael's post as a staunch defense of Dupuy. So maybe I am a twit, after all. smile.gif

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I'll take some of the heat off for ya MD.

You're ALL Twits! Ninnies too! tongue.gif

Say, that does feel good Babra!


"Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

"They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

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