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2 Issues... Anyone with info, please respond.

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How do you save a randomly generated battle, so that you can play it again, or from the other side? Is this possible in the current CM? I've tried, and it seems that it isn't possible.


Ok, let X be a large building, you know, the two story square shaped ones. In a town, with a configuration like this,

XX or XX


or any situation that has buildings exactly adjacent to each other, it seems impossible to have a squad move from the left most building directly into the right building. Instead, they will go outside the building on the left...move to the right, and then enter the new building instead of remaining inside.

Now, I suspect this might be an attempt to simulate the lack of access directly through the buildings... ie, no doorways. However, one can run into a single building by itself from any direction, and doorways or windows arent an issue. So if the lack of a path is the issue when buildings are adjacent, then the whole mechanism for entering buildings needs to be reworked, since the lack of a path isnt an issue with single buildings.

Anyway, any commentary is welcome. Thanks

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You can't save a QB (Quick Battle) to play again, but you can save the setup turn and play the battle as many times as you want. However, you can't play it from the other side.

Yes, that is the way that movement between buildings currently works in CM. two adjacent buildings are just that, two buildings. They are not one large building in which you can move from room to room. They are separated by a solid wall with no doors or windows, so troops can't pass from one building to the next. In real life troops would blast holes in these walls so they could move from building to building without having to go out in the street, but CM does not model this "mouse holeing." I believe BTS is tweaking the building model for CM2, but I don't know if this feature will be added.

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I'm definitely not an authority on this, and someone will probably answer this before me (edit - man... I keep these replies open for too long), but...

1) You are correct. The Saved Game format cannot be opened in the Editor, thus QBs can't be replayed and/or edited. Edit - except as noted above, by saving the Setup turn of the QB.

2) I believe this was an intentional coding point since adjacent, large, stone buildings don't share any windows or doors on their interior walls (think of row houses or separate, single buildings in a built up area). This makes modelling very large buildings in CM very problematic since it forces you go outside to enter an adjacent building. Apparently even putting the "doorway/front" of the building on a particular interior wall (in the Editor) still doesn't allow for entry via that interior wall.

Hopefully CMB2B/CMBB (CM2) will address this so that units can move between large buildings through the interior walls (at least to simulate very large buildings like factories), how to do this and still allow for "blocking interior walls" I don't know. LOS/LOF issues will be another question for such large interior-spaced buildings, if they are modelled.

Some people have requested the capability to "mouse-hole" through walls (where explosives are used to blast holes of the interior walls into the adjacent building), but apparently that is not up for consideration for CM2 at the moment (maybe in CMII).

[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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