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Vehicles taking evasive action when shelled

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Has anyone ever witnessed one of your own vehicles take evasive action when shells (81mm and above) rain down on its position?

I was playing last night when my opponent began to shell one of my King Tigers with 105mm, then in another game, my Greyhound with 81mm. In both cases, neither vehicle moved away from the area under attack. In fact, they did not move at all.

Seems to me that common logic would suggest that soldiers in a tank, or more so in an open-topped AFV would (pardon the expression) put the pedal to the metal and reverse out of that location when shells rained down on them.



[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 01-08-2001).]

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i've been studying this issue lately, but only with onboard mortars. Conclusion was, when halftrack is targeted by a SPOTTED mortar, TacAI drives it to more safe place. But when target by UNSPOTTED mortars (hidden HQ does spotting for them, so enemy halftrack never actually sees mortar itself), halftracks never move out by themselves.

However, in a recent QB, i targeted enemy PZIV with 81mm FO. When shells started to fall, enemy tank moved out from perfect hull-down position right in to LOS of my 76 Shermie smile.gif

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