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Vehicles As Cover

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Do vehicles offer any defensive "Cover" for infantry? Can you hide behind a Pillbox? speaking of pill box's why cant they be captured or used for protection by infantry or MG units?

Also I see a lot on "Mods" are these easy to install? will my opponent see them or does he need them too?

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-Do vehicles offer any defensive "Cover" for infantry?

=no, the calculations are too complex. only if they are dead & burning.

-Also I see a lot on "Mods" are these easy to install?

=yes, just get the files and copy them into your BMP directory in your combat mission folder

-will my opponent see them or does he need them too?

=no, he has his own files

not sure about pillbox, you may want to search on it(yeah, first time i ever told someone to search)



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

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Another way to look at vehicles providing cover is that they really don't. Vehicles and tanks historically attract a lot of attention (read:fire) from enemy units, as they usually carry larger, more effective weapons than infantry. Then you have the problem of vehicles and tanks running over their own infantry as they have to manuever quickly to get a shot in or try and avoid incoming fire.


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Vehicles and pillboxes do not offer any cover. To incorporate this would add another large amount of CPU processing power to keep track of "moving" obstacles.

Pillboxes are just treated as like stationary tanks or MG posts. One you knock them out, they are dead.

Mods are extremely easy to install because they are just bitmaps (.bmps) or waves (.wav) that go directly into the BMP or WAV folders respectively. They overwrite the stock textures or sounds. In fact, most everything in the game is modifiable, texture or sound-wise. There are a few textures that are hard-coded such as tracers, 'zooks, 'schrecks, etc. All the stock textures are stored in the BMP folder on the CD, so you can easily go back and replace the originals if you don't like the new ones. But trust me, you won't wanna do that. I don't hardly run any stock textures at all. And the ones I do, is because there isn't any mods for them yet. wink.gif

You can get all the mods on CMHQ. The ones you want first are the terrain mods. They change the total look of the game. First of all get DD's terrain sets. Then get Panzertruppen's buildings. Then go look through the other various terrain mods and pick and choose what you want.

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Okay, I can see vehicles not providing cover, but do they provide concealment? I.E., say you've got a group of burning and dead MkIVs bunched together. Will an FO behind one of the hulks be visible to enemy in front of it?

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Originally posted by Fan:

Okay, I can see vehicles not providing cover, but do they provide concealment? I.E., say you've got a group of burning and dead MkIVs bunched together. Will an FO behind one of the hulks be visible to enemy in front of it?

Uhhh, yes. I think that is what russellmz basically said up there.

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Guest aka PanzerLeader

Ah...The good old "Ghost Tanks". I was pretty upset about it at the beginning. Now it's kinda easier to live with...Maybe some guys from BTS infiltrated my house and made me swallow something...

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Guest aka PanzerLeader

Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed yet, the "Ghost Tanks" syndrome does mean that tanks can fire through one another.

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Thanks much, Maximus, for your clarification. smile.gif

But I must ask if cover is not different from concealment? A 19+ foot long and 8+ foot high piece of stationary metallic terrain would be quite handy to hide behind, especially if it weren't burning. I bet 2 people could hide behind one, allowing for the supposition that I had not been seen before the AFVs destruction. And most especially if the next closest "cover" was a low hedge 35m in the direction of enemy fire. Yes, AFVs are high-roller targets and attacked as such. I could definitely understand direct and indirect fire applied at one or several even if only one was even suspected of being merely track-hit but otherwise operational, with results of said fire being dire for any unlucky enough to be caught in the barrage. But if one is lucky enough to not having either kind of fire directed his/her way...there should be ample ways to hide behind/under an AFV.

AFVs have been (and likely will be for some time) more than occasionally used as concealment and even cover by the ground-pounders.

And so, another question: What exactly happens to my AFVs earthly presence when its fighting ability has left the nearby physical plane of existence? Or my enemy's?

[This message has been edited by Fan (edited 01-25-2001).]

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