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Hi-res Mod Question for the authors

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Are most of the mods made, especially the Hi-res ones, created from scratch, or are they highly modified versions of the textures originally included with the game?

If they are made from scratch, where do you start from? Scans of photographs or models? Just curious. Thanks.

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I always start nowadays with the BTS originals, then using them as a guide redraw most of the details by hand. Where I feel there is an error on the originals, or if I am drawing a different variant, I paint it in over the top. I refer closely to the pictures in my reference books for details (used 13 for the Shermans), but everything is fully hand drawn.

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Same here Pritzl....i import the bmp into Photoshop 5 and then use the original outlines as a guide.....the main tool i use is the airbrush .... i will first give it a general overspray..then go back to redetailing...overspray..redetail...overspray...redetail smile.gif...always referring to my reference material.

Once i have a base colour that i am happy with then i start the cammo schemes...still with the airbrush...

redetail..airbrush..redetail....it takes me a long time to get something done as i have to use te good services of my critic who kindly sends me back pix of the vehicle as it is at the moment...reason being my iMac has only 6 MB VRAM and cannot display the mod in the clarity i need to see what is right/wrong with it.

Once the cammo scheme is in place then weathering starts with various shades of buff / brown / black to try and get that in service look ....mb biggrin.gif

I am stuck with that horrible "puck" mouse..... which is a real pain to use ...though it is accurate ..... i have plans mb to get an Intous Airbrush / tablet set....but thats for the future...first i got to get a new system smile.gif




Once an Ubërcabbage

Always an Ubërcabbage

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Yes, thank you both for the tips! I'm an artist by profession, but have very limited experience with things like photoshop, etc.

If you need an oil painting or sculpture of that Sherman, no problem but with photoshop, i'm still very much a novice, so I appreciate any little tips or tricks that you guys have.

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I started on several different hi-res mods (hopefully Marco will find some small head-start/useful bits in the Cromwell/Challenger/Comet files I sent him), but the small, intricate, extremely repetitive motions required to create all the fine grain details horrendously aggravated my carpal tunnel syndrome (even though I use a stylus and tablet rather than a mouse).

That's when I consigned myself to helping out Marco by filling in on a lot of the features that (I hope) people want but that would distract him from creating his hi-res mods (e.g. camouflaged versions, winter versions, etc.).

The main tools I use to achieve my effects are layers and masks (I use Paint Shop Pro 5). Pretty much each "feature" is a separate layer. For instance, look at my (lo res) King Tiger camo mod. There are separate layers for each camo color (green, yellow and brown) a layer for the zimmerit, a layer for the tools, cables and accessories and a layer for all the pink transparent portions. Masks applied to each layer expose or hide portions to create the overall scheme.

Hopefully that makes sense.


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SO THATS how you did your KT Gordon wink.gif

My hand is much better now bud so i shall be starting back on the mods i was working on before Christmas smile.gif

Another thing as well Pritzl ...never be afraid to experiment with new stuff or ways of trying to get an effect...and indulge in a lot of lateral thinking smile.gif

Everything has a use..it just a matter of finding the right context to use it.




Once an Ubërcabbage

Always an Ubërcabbage

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Originally posted by Måkjager:

SO THATS how you did your KT Gordon wink.gif

My hand is much better now bud so i shall be starting back on the mods i was working on before Christmas smile.gif

That's how I do EVERYTHING. smile.gif

Glad to hear your hand's feeling better, can't wait for those to be released.

Give me any Axis vehicle in a plain Dunkel Gelb/Dunkel Grau or any Allied vehicle in plain Olive Drab/Khaki Drab and I can give you a camouflaged version, but I'll be damned if I can draw a hatch hinge to save my soul. frown.gif

Gordon "The Maaco of CM Mod'dom" Molek

[This message has been edited by Gordon (edited 02-24-2001).]

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