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Vehicle Collisions in CM2!!!

Guest Rommel22

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Guest Rommel22

I want so that if two tanks collide, the two tanks will suffer damage. Right now it is not modelled, I wish it was. This way you can create roadblocks or when out of ammo and desperate ram other tanks. I know this has been discussed, but I really want this available.

Here is an example! (from another game, but LISTEN UP!!!!)

I was playin OP. Flashpoint 1985, I got the patch where you can hop in the tank (in the demo) and drive it and shoot it. Well, I came up over a small hill, to a village and there a BMP was sitting facing me. I was speeding fairly fast in my BMP ( I know but the patch doesn't give you U.S tanks). The Enemy BMP shot my turret and dammaged the gun and I wasnt able to traverse the turret. ( I never stopped moving, I kept speeding toward the BMP, although the blast pretty much stopped me, but I started going again) So I RAMED the enemy BMP with mine. (collision damage is modelled in Flashpoint) I got pretty much screwed but the Enemy BMP in the collision, but the enemy BMP didn't fire again. I hoped out of my bmp and threw some grenades at it and it didn't move or fire!

Just an example, from that experience I wish CM2 will feature collision damage.

It did happen, not that frequenttly but it did. I would think it doesn't need to much programming. You don't have to do anything more graphicly, just when the tanks collide, maybe they'll get a damaged gun, throw a track, or be abandon by the crew if the tank is smashed badly.



Rommel22s Kampfgruppe site:


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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Well I would like tanks to smush lesser vehicles and guns.



And I would like them to be opaque (no shoot-through in column etc.).


"OK, I stand corrected, but that still doesn't sound effective as the Germans still did lose the war." (Maximus)

[This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 03-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by Rommel22:

It did happen, not that frequenttly but it did.

I believe that's the main thing.

If collision damage was modelled, we'd see suicide charges all the time...

End result: less realism through added realism. smile.gif

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The "invisibility" of vehicles on the battlefield would be a nice addition to CM. However I believe that we will have to wait until CMII for such a feature to be added since dynamic LOS during a turn is apparently extremely compute-intensive.

Vehicular damage would have to be along the lines of immobilizing or damaging some system that CM models now (you would most likely not see crushed vehicles being represented graphically). It could possibly be done within the systems current limitations, but the TacAI would have to be tweaked to "allow" collisions (since it currently prevents them for a vehicle that is still crewed - AFAIK). This could be a hotly-debated point about how "stupid" to make the TacAI for such situations.

Supposedly some minor engine recoding will be done for CM2. The number of wish-list items to be accomodated within in this recoding is probably going to be small. The limited version of vehicular collisions could possibly be accomodated, but I wouldn't think that it's a priority compared to the amount of other things that are definitely slated to be included in CM2.

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Do you remember the movie "Battle of the Bulge" which came out in the middle 60s? Telly Savalas (of Kojak fame) played a Sherman commander who wanted to avenge someone's (I think it was his girlfriend's) death. He pleaded to attack with his damaged tank, claiming he could "ram 'em."

His suggestion struck me as the height of stupidity. Sure, if your tank is partially disabled at knife fight range and has the momentum to move another 50 or 100 meters to smash into an enemy tank, why not? But if your plan is to drive a damaged tank one or two kilometers to collide with an enemy tank capable of firing AT rounds at you, switch to plan B. Plan A is a loser.


Airborne Combat Engineer Troop Leader (1966-1968)

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Guest wwb_99

Jarmo brings up a great point. If you think you see some gamey SMG rushing now, wait until you can ram tanks with gun-damaged tanks.

Also, the most likely thing for a tank to collide with is not an enemy tank but a friendly tank, especially with CMs lack of a convoy move command.

This is borne out IRL. In the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, there was many a collision on packed roads leading up into the Golan on the nights of October 6-8. And even in these low-speed collisions, Centurions were put out of action. Driving in a blacked out convoy is not easy.



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Guest Rommel22

I don't think it will add "gamey" sense to the game by adding this. I mean it will be hard to get close anyway. So the chances of you raming another tank will be small. But I want the option to be there, so you have the option in sheer deperation.

I dont think people will do suicide charges, like I said, it will be hard to get close as it is, why waist your tanks like that.

It will need programing if done, the weigh to weight ratio, if the Tank is bigger and small fast vehicle collides with it. The small one will suffer while the 50t tank will not.

So I don't think suicide charges will be the problem.


Rommel22s Kampfgruppe site:


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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There were some 300 or less reported cases through the entire war on the Ostfront. Of course, many cases were not reported due to many details.

This topic has been discussed to death I think. You will find more details if you look up a few older ones (not that old, only bout a month).

When collisions were done, however, some impressive results were achieved on occasion. One Soviet got the Hero's award for driving his T-34 through a Nazi convoy, killing over a hundred men, several dozen trucks and a good number of towed guns. Its all on a link I have in some of these older threads, look it up and you'll see. Its an excellent link, all about tank collisions.



"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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