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Having trouble seeing Tiger's new skies or other mods???

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Chirp chirp chirp, tweeter tweetertweeter... Where are the damn things already?!? All I've seen are the ones at CMHQ by Krytos, and the ones from SurlyBen. Where are Tiger's?


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Tiger has also released a set of smaller textures (800x600). I'm not sure whether these will address some of the problems ppl have been getting trying to use the 1024x256 set.

This new pack is available as a separate d/l on the MODS page @ COMBAT MISSIONS.



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Yes they're better than the do-it-yourself resizing (I tried both), but there is still a couple of nagging problems. A 'V' still shows where the bmps come together, and is more noticeable when there are less fluffy clouds and more straight lines. The summer skies are beautiful, the evenings are beautiful, the overcast ones have more of that 'V' effect. Make your own decision, they're easy to put in and out. I've used Kump's night skies, resized and get the black/black that looks good. Stars don't do well with resizing.


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