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What are the "Standard" Settings?

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Right now im still playing the Demo version, but for right now i think thats fine, as im still learning the "ropes" of the game. What im wondering is what is the standard fog of war setting that people use in a Player VS Player match? Full i assume? Any types of attacks or anything that are considered "bad sportsmanship"? Just wondering, kinda wana practice against the computer with whatever the "normal" enviorment would be.

Detroit Guy

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Hi Detroit Guy. First: yes, most people play CM with the "full" fog of war. I never met someone who insisted on playing with partial or no FOW.

Are there "gamey" attacks?

IMO no. If it works, it's not unfair. There is however a problem when using VERY ahistorical forces, like 2 MG jeeps and 10 fighter bombers. Quite some people would call that "gamey"...


And there has been some trouble about non-armoured german Flak vehicles that seemed to be pretty invulnerable sometimes.

If you start playing human opponents, it's easy. Just talk about the setup before the game. Ask them what they would call "gamey" or if they want to use some sort of rules as guidelines.

But again, as far as tactics: if it works, fine!

But you will see that CM does not only encourage you to use "sound" tactics, it will kick your butt if you don't! :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Detroit Guy:

Any types of attacks or anything that are considered "bad sportsmanship"?Detroit Guy<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What you are asking about is "gamey" tactics. Gamey tactics are where you take advantage of the inherent limitations in the game to do something that you could not or would not have done in real life. This issue has been discussed a great deal and you should probably do a search for some of the discussions. If your goal is to simulate history, then certain gamey tactics are frowned upon. If your goal is just to win with all the tools available and you are not concerned about historical accuracy, then you don't have to worry about whether your tactics are gamey. Whichever way you decide to approach it, just make sure your opponent feels the same way you do. That's the best way to avoid any arguments.

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Thanks for the info gang! What i like about games with smaller followings as opposed the games by major publishers, is that the community behind the "smaller" games have far less "Coo D00Dz" and other jerk archtypes in and around them. A welcome change to the Diablo/EverQuest/Ultima/StarCraft/AoK crowds.

Detroit Guy

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