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Ok, I tried the search engine but it didn't seem to work. Maybe this was asked earlier, I don't know. I was wondering if the SP assault gun could be added to the sim? I havn't been playing CM all that long so I could be looking right at it and not seeing it...it was also called by another name Pzkw-something or other too. Anyone got any info on it being in the sim or not and if not, could it be added?

Reg smile.gif

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A little slow and uninformative here...

I'm not sure of the Brummbar's Sdkfz designation. Unfortunately it is not in CM1. It will not be added to CM1 since BTS has stated that updates have ceased on CM1. It will most likely show its face in CM2 however.

[ 04-10-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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