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To all those who have contributed to CM2 discussions

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I just want to thank you all for being such sports about these ongoing discussions about the Russian front. A lot of views and perceptions has popped up in these threads that have been good food for thought concerning that conflict. I know we've all had to rethink some of our perceptions regarding the Russian front, myself included, and I think that's a good thing. So, please take this moment to pat yourselves on the back, and go ahead and get another beer outta the fridge wink.gif Besides, when all's said and done, BTS are going to make one helluva game on the Russian front smile.gif


Best regards,

Greg Leon Guerrero

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EF was such a board subject, I think the discussions will carry on in the foreseeable future. When BTS unviel future features of CM2, the heat (not flame) will definitely go up!

Keep the spirits up.



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

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