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How Much Firepower is Effective?

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Squad Leader (the original) had an Effective Firepower Table (To Kill Table) that told you the probable, or likely, effect of putting "x" amount of firepower on an enemy unit. As I recall the table was expressed in ratios and the so called blast effect for HE fire.

I do not yet have a feel for the equivalent of that handy table in CM. I'm not looking for mathematical certainty but something like "If I put xxx firepower points on the squad in that light building I have an excellent chance of breaking or eliminating them."

It is a tremendous advantage for the players who know or have access to this information over those of us who do not.

With all the excellent research done on the effect of various AP rounds does the equivalent exist for infantry weapons and HE?

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Unfortunately CM does not provide that kind of information.

However, it is relatively easy to ascertain, although not in a necessarily rigorous manner.

Just set up a test scenario placing units in varying cover and then shoot at them and see what happens. You will quickly get a feel for what "good" cover is.

You will notice that heavy buildings provide a lot of protection to small arms fire. I have had entire platoons firing at a squad in a heavy building with little or no effect.

Compared to ASL, CM greatly accentuates the effectiveness of HE compared to small arms fire.

Jeff Heidman

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two 14inch shells fix all! biggrin.gif

In all seriousness there is no formula, and even the experienced people don't follow it. Generally it's 80% luck, 20% skill.

I've watched shells fall all over the bad guys and not do diddly, and i've watched a barrage fall tightly and enemy squads break in less than a round.

all i can suggest is play and you'll get the gist. For killing stuff 105mm up are great shells, particularly 120mm up. For supressing, 105mm and down are good. Tanks firring on a squad for a turn will seriously nail it. 2 turns and it's likely to route.

Buildings? Well two tanks on a light building of any size should flatten it in a turn, on the heavy buildings it might take 2 or 3 turns.

I'd suggest jsut getting stuck in to as many games as you can and give it a go.



"Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

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For me I guess it'd be around 110+ in firepower. Of obvious importance too is accuracy due to your men's skill and the target's cover. I'll shoot with low firepower score if the chances to hit are high like 75% or more to inflict casualties, not just suppression. The type of unit you have firing is of importance. MGs have the range and many infantry squads I would prefer to shoot at targets 200m or less. Squads heavily equipped with SMGs have a hideously short effective range but in close assaults are quite nasty. Still, Sturmgewehr'44 equipped troops are my favorites... all around firepower and range!


"Uncommon valor was a common virtue"-Adm.Chester Nimitz of the Marines on Iwo Jima

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Hmmm. Pages and pages of the most arcane data for every AFV and its variants and nothing on the effectiveness of infantry firepower. Seems like there's an opportunity here for the enterprising grunt to rule the battlefield and put the tank boys back into their supporting role.

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Guest Mikey D

There's probably no tables of that sort because the variables are so high. A single sniper nailing a tank commander can almost incapacitate a tank, fifty rounds of artillery falling on infantry hiding in foxholes hardly produces a scratch. A fatigued squad rushing an experienced team with submachineguns... ? Who'd win that?

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I think 100 is a good measure of small arms firepower.

I try to hold fire until the FP for a specific target is close to 100 before opening up.

I'd say that FP x Exposure is a good measure on the probability of causing casualties.

Note that MGs have a fair suppressive effect on troops in open, even at ranges where the FP has dropped to around 25.




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Anything over 100 will result in good kill ratios. Anything over 50 will supress the enemy and keep their heads down now and then depending on troop quality. When attacking enemy infantry it is a good tactic to pin them down while bringing with your manuver elements close enough to bring the 100+ firepower to bear.

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