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Coming soon : Scipio's Wehrmacht Uniform Mod Pack

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nowotny:

Nice job!

Scipio, do you plan on modifying any more CM sounds in the future? Like ambient sounds,etc????<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Currently not. Most sounds are already moded. Sounds by other mod makers on my drive : the airattacks and tankmovement posted at Tom's CMHQ - BTW, do anyone knows what has happend with this site? About the ambient sound - I only find them a bit to loud, so I have decrease the volume to the half. But I haven't posted this somewhere, cause this simple modification ain't worth a 100 MB download...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio:

Currently not. Most sounds are already moded. Sounds by other mod makers on my drive : the airattacks and tankmovement posted at Tom's CMHQ - BTW, do anyone knows what has happend with this site? About the ambient sound - I only find them a bit to loud, so I have decrease the volume to the half. But I haven't posted this somewhere, cause this simple modification ain't worth a 100 MB download...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Loud there to quiet! Maybe it just my Sound card.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freak:

Scipio -

I have seemed to have lost your sound mods (I think they may be on my older computer). Do you still have your sounds posted on the web? I would like to download them again.



Yep, go to the CM/Mods section of the


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Hi Scipio ,

Toms Combat Mission HQ has moved to a new location several weeks ago. The new URL is in my sig.



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio:

Sounds by other mod makers on my drive : the airattacks and tankmovement posted at Tom's CMHQ - BTW, do anyone knows what has happend with this site?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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