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Interface mods - what do they improve upon?

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I have seen numerous references to interface mods and it is not something I would have considered.

Which interface mod is the best? Is anyone able to post a screen-shot and indicate what it does better pse?

As an aside, on playing the demo (Chance encounter) I managed to lure the 5 shermans out to south of the crossroads by baiting with a Stug III. I lost that Stug but all the Shermans were wiped out in about 30 seconds by the other two Stugs concealed in woods. Obviously I was more than happy but and it resulted in total allied surrender by about turn 20. I presume in the full game (patiently waiting re-stocking) the AI is a bit shrewder?

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Apache - Regarding Chance Encounter: When you get the full game (soon i hope) you will find a great wealth of scenarios to test your tactical skills on, both on the Official CMBO-CD and User-made battles. Some advice - There are a lot of EVIL scenario designers out there who will lay traps for you around every corner! smile.gif


COMBAT MISSIONS - Resources For Combat Mission

[This message has been edited by Manx (edited 02-08-2001).]

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Thanks for your interest. Here's a little comparison, check my site (link below) for more info.



(edit) whew! I'll get the hang of it....



CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/

so many games...so little time

[This message has been edited by deanco (edited 02-08-2001).]

[This message has been edited by deanco (edited 02-08-2001).]

[This message has been edited by deanco (edited 02-08-2001).]

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The interface mods affect the way you perceive the information the game gives you (sort of obvious, I guess). They are all designed to present the information in a better way, with varying definitions of "better". They change the bottom part of the screen. The fonts used in the upper part can also be changed.

Which one is best? Depends on your preferences. I definitely prefer my own (modified Grog, available at DeanCo's site) with the blue font from the gunmetal mod added, but a lot of people seem to be happier with the Gunmetal interface.

Try a few, but make sure to backup all the affected files (I recommend making an "original interface" backup directory and copy the affected files there before installing any of them, you should restore the original before installing another interface mod).

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