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Will Maximus please leave Mac threads alone

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Maximus can't seem to help but jump in to every single Mac-related thread on this forum and fill them with his ill-informed anti-Apple nonsense. The threads are nothing to do with the Windows vs Mac debate, but Max's posts invariably drag them into the same old argument. He has finally posted something which beggars belief in light of his convictions.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'll tell ya what turned me off of Apple-based computers. When I was a Senior in Highschool back in '91, I was in a Computer Science class. We had Apple IIe computers in there with those nice mono-chrome green screens & 5.24" external floppy drives. In the same year, I took a Business Computer class across the hall, as a matter of fact. They had IMB-compatibles in there, probably 386 machines at the time. They had color screens! I believe they had Windows 3.0 on them. Graphical Interface, wow!

We would go back into the Computer Science class and write up a little BASIC program that did a loop which wrote "Apples suck" that scrolled down the screen infinitely. Teacher didn't care too much for that, but I think he knew it was true.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Anyone with even the most vague understanding of the history of the Personal Computer will see why his statement is ridiculous, and rubbishes everything he has ever said on the subject. The Apple IIe computers he was using in 1991 were about ten years old. The PCs had graphical interfaces, did they? Apple introduced the first personal computer with a graphical interface in 1984. Apple has always been far ahead of Windows in that respect, so for someone to form their anti-Apple sentiments on that basis is bizarre.

I might add that this is the person whose idea of a credible performance comparison is to pull it out of thin air.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So sure CM will run faster on a Mac will a majority of low-res textures installed. So what's your point? Load up a Mac with a bunch of hi-res textures and let's just see how fast it runs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is typical of the standard of his arguments against the Mac.

I'm not interested in the Windows vs Mac debate, and if Maximus is, I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with, is where Maximus 1) posts inflammatory "Macs suck" nonsense in threads where his comments are totally irrelevant, and 2) quite obviously has no clue what he is talking about, but blunders on regardless and pays no heed to those requesting he either desist, or at least learn the first thing about Macs.

Maximus now constitutes a constant nuisance to members of this forum discussing Mac-related topics, and as such I would request, if he will not cease to post to such threads, that action should be taken against him.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Maximus now constitutes a constant nuisance to members of this forum discussing Mac-related topics, and as such I would request, if he will not cease to post to such threads, that action should be taken against him.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hit him with a kipper, David!!!! :D

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Let me start off by saying "Hi Mom" Now on to the subject.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'll tell ya what turned me off of Apple-based computers. When I was a Senior in Highschool back in '91, I was in a Computer Science class. We had Apple IIe computers in there with those nice mono-chrome green screens & 5.24" external floppy drives. In the same year, I took a Business Computer class across the hall, as a matter of fact. They had IMB-compatibles in there, probably 386 machines at the time. They had color screens! I believe they had Windows 3.0 on them. Graphical Interface, wow! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wonder why they had 10 year Apple's there still (besides the fact they still worked after 10 years). You would think someone would have donated Macs to the school by then. So maybe the school sucked for not getting up to date computers ;)

Of course I was using an Amiga at that time, a far better computer than a PC and could do anything an Apple or Mac could for alot less money. Of course where is Amiga now :(

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Maximus: My computer runs the super OS which is better then all OS's combined. You see this OS is better then any OS ever and ever. No pc can beat it becouse its a super secret OS that no one can buy and that no one even knows about. You see its really made by a secret company but the secret company is really a company that is named after a secret fruit. And the secret thing is about this super OS is it is...

ahhh who cares.

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What's wrong with Macs? I love them for their simplicity. Drag and drop interface, I love it. Most of all I love their cute little transparent color cases. You can see the insides somewhat. Blue is my favorite along with a red mouse. And it's a hot little sucker too--speeding around the desktop, clicking away at everything it can find. :D

Who is this Maximus and what does he have against Macs or Apple?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>. Most of all I love their cute little transparent color cases. You can see the insides somewhat. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You can do the same thing with PCs. Just leave their sides off.

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David Aitken,

I'll take my kipper now please.

Sorry it was my fault ;) , I just figured that only small number of people actually cruise the Tech Forum so I wanted to spread the word.

Maximus, really can't help himself, I mean he's only 29, and the grow up hormones don't kick in until you're 30 ( I know mine never did :D ). Aside from his vociferousness and sheer stupidity on this subjet he is not a bad kid. He has done a few mods that people do appreciate. I love the fact that he never follows up on his posts, there are a few folks over at GI Combat that dislike him as much as, well .... I alluded to a pithy response someone over there made in my post. I guess I was just too subtle in my ribbing.

Since Matt will be along soon this will be my third thread I have participated in to be locked, oh well.

Hi Mom :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kmead:

David Aitken,

Maximus, really can't help himself, I mean he's only 29, and the grow up hormones don't kick in until you're 30 ( I know mine never did :D ). Aside from his vociferousness and sheer stupidity on this subjet he is not a bad kid. He has done a few mods that people do appreciate. I love the fact that he never follows up on his posts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey, I resent that. I'm 27! I still got three years to grow up. tongue.gif However, my latest crusade against Macs isn't entirely my fault. My assistant hates Macs more than I do and he feeds me info based on what he hears on Tech TV and his attitudes and beliefs funnel over to me and are reflected in my posts. As do alot of his other beliefs as well on other things, which is probably why I have become such a jerk as of late. You see, my assistant is an ex-hippie, former drug addict, hates sports and war (Vietnam era dude, so you can imagine what he thinks about my involvement with CM) So alot of my posts as of late reflect some of the frustrations I have between myself and my assistant. Fortunately my former assitant is moving back here from Dallas in about a month and hopefully I can ditch my new guy and hire back my old one.

I know what you're thinking, what kind of assistant? A personal assistant. Due to my crippling accident a little over two and a half years ago, I can't fully take care of myself.

So basically, I don't get along with my new assistant, mainly because there is quite a bit of generation gap there. He's almost twice my age, while my last one was only 12 years older. Let's just put it this way. He thinks that any music newer than the Grateful Dead and Bob Dylan is just noise. :D LOL!

So I hope you understand the method of my madness as of late. I don't like it either. But I tend to vent my frustrations on this board when I shouldn't. But what is a man to do? ;)

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