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Michael Dorosh is one hell of a bag pipe player...

Guest TomServo

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Guest TomServo

This is a bit off topic, but i was suprised to see Michael here, well i shouldn't be, i seem to find his postings all over the net smile.gif

I was able to hear Michael show off his bag pipe talents last June at a Reenacting event. i wac actually in the bunk next to him the first night. i believe he was sick and we were pretty loud. dang british paras. then i heard he slept in his car the next night. thats hardcore. heh. this is all pointless and i'm sure it will get closed, but i just always find it amusing when i come across someone i kinda know(well know of).

michael, hope to see you down here again sometime. love to hear you play again, it was amazing.

Its one hell of a small world when it comes to wargaming.

argh. the flu sucks.

theres my one post every two months.

Josh McNair


Formerly TomServo who was formerly Tom punkrawk

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Freakin paras!

Naw, you weren't too loud - it was the French that got to me. I actually slept pretty good.

Do you play Combat Mission? I was going to lobby BTS to include pipers in the next patch but I don't think they would take too kindly to it. But aren't you glad they have guys with sexy red berets?

I heard Rob Malcolm singing the praises of Combat Mission on the old NWHA forum - tell him to drag his butt over here and help educate the masses!



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The Scots have always and will always play bagpipes into battle. I think they should in CM too! biggrin.gif

(Interestingly enough, all Scottish units in the British Armored Forces have added electronic speakers to their Challenger II tanks. It's not quite as good as the real thing, but it'll do in a pinch... wink.gif)

"After being beaten bloody, the only way the British could convince the Scots to play nice was to offer them the chance for worldwide conflict. The British offered the Highlanders all the plunder they could steal, and they carved out an empire for Britain"



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Guest TomServo

unfortunetly my computer is a clunker and i can't play CM yet, at least until i manage to get a video card(coolcolj i'm working on it smile.gif ). i've played the beta demo when it first came out a bit, but it was just too slow for me.

ah, yes, i sent rob some pictures of the sexy red beret clad men from CM when Madmatt and Fionn first had them up on their site. rob complained that they were too red! hah. I guess he forgot about it and recently rediscovered it.

I whole heartidly agree that they should put out a piper patch, nothing like going into battle w/ the pipes a playin'.


Formerly TomServo who was formerly Tom punkrawk

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Michael Dorosh, well I'll be incarcerated. Do you know a feller named Feldmeyer. Karl was in the British Para's for a while, he also owned a Willy's Jeep w/trailer and 50cal mounted on the rear. I never got into WWII reenacting, but he and I served in the Civ War ANV together on staff for General Patterson for a good many years. Best dang Quartermaster I ever saw. Met him while he was in the 4th NC Inf., and I was in the 19th GA Inf. I guess it shouldn't be any surprise, but I never actually thought about any of us having a reenacting background in here.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

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-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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My youth was spent at Highland games festivals (Clan MacQueun) and I always loved the bag pipes, but my father told me a funny story about them.

Seems, as everyone knows, Scottish Highlanders were addicted to sheep. This addiction was recognized very early, just like ciggarette smoking. And just like smoking it was useful to have something to take the addictees mind off the addiction. Smokers often chew gum. Recovering sheep adicts play bagpipes and wear wool skirts called tartans with no underwear. Not to far from the whole sheep bit if you think about it.


(By the way Micheal, it is impressive to find out that you play bag pipes. You should give me a wave to post of it for you.

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Gee Bruno, 2nd Maine Cav here and I know of at least one other 2nd Maine trooper here. Both of us started about 1971. Also 3rd Inf Div. from the old WWIIHRS. Did Congress's Own (2nd Canadian, Benedict Arnold's boys) for the bicentenial!


No one EXPECTS the Spanish inquisition!!

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Hey Goofy, you started a few years before me. I got in in '84', Archers Brigade, 19thGA, about half way through the 125th Anniversary, Patterson brought me onto the ANV staff as Adjutant. Rode with Patterson's staff after that. Course everything has changed now. Them was the good ole days. Were you guys the one's working out of Antietam? Ever go up to that tactical near Allentown, forget the name of it.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 01-28-2001).]

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Guest Napoleon1944

The pipes were one of my 1st mods. With all the reading I have done, I frequently read about the pipes being heard in battle so I put them in! I don't know the tune though. Anyone know it?


The only enemy I fear is nature.


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Originally posted by Napoleon1944:

The pipes were one of my 1st mods. With all the reading I have done, I frequently read about the pipes being heard in battle so I put them in! I don't know the tune though. Anyone know it?

I can probably tell you, but I can't download it - I get an error message saying "cannot connect to server."

Any chance you can email it to me? madorosh@home.com



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