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Any good methods on cheating? I have exams tommorrow.

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It's funny you should mention ADD. My 4th grade teacher thought I should be tested for ADD. In the end, I was never tested. But, I think maybe I do have it...to a small degree. But I'm not massively retarted. I get by in school just fine, but cheating is an added bonus to help. Mind you, in real life, I am a calm, reserved and collected person. My life on the forum and the internet is kinda an alter ego. A dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde type scenario if you will.

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Capt. being ADD is NOT anything remotely LIKE being "retarded". It stands for Attention Deficit Disorder and is a well recognized and treatable condition that stems from (as best anyone can determine) chemical imbalances in the brain. Again, medical professionals can clear this up if I'm off track. It is treatable with medication. I had a son who was ADD, he had a hell of time in school, what with behavior problems and the inability to focus. But with treatment and understanding of his condition he was able to graduate and went on to the USMC. You think school is tough now? Trying going through Boot Camp with that! You may not be ADD but if you are you can do something about it and it will make your life a bunch easier.



Compliments appreciated, Questions answered, Death Threats reciprocated.

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Once a cheater; Always a cheater

I totally agree with RMC and other on the attitude of Capt, He really showed his true colors with the Close combat dispute.

Also Capt, if you spent less time online and more time doing your homework you wouldnt need to cheat.

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Captian, the word you are looking for is integrity. It is a precious thing, it something that many times in your life will be the only thing of value that you have. It will determine how people treat you, what they think of you, and in the end what you think of yourself. Integrity is what holds you up, what makes you strong.

Every time you lie, you whittle a bit of it away. Every time you cheat, you lose a little more. Each loss is small, often unnoticible. Each time is easy to justify as "just an added bonus." Yet there comes a day in each of our lives when we must face up to what we are really made of, how much of this "integrity" we have.

One of the terrible things about our culture is that the young are convinced to ignore the advice of the old, and thus each of us are forced to stumble blindly along. You are hearing people here tell you to make the choice not to cheat, to preserve your integrity. I would hazard a guess that many of them speak from hard experience, have learned the hard way what integrity is worth, and what it costs when you find it lacking.

I have learned that lesson. When I was young, I cheated on some exams in college, I lied easily, and was generally pretty dishonest. I can tell you from personal experience what a slippery slope that is. Each choice to lie, or to cheat made the next one that much easier, until it became a habit, and then a way of life. I have paid a high price to regain my integrity, and I cannot begin to tell you how bitterly I resent those early choices.

Listen to the people in this forum. They are walking down the same road you are, and are telling you what lies around the bend, the one that you cannot yet see around.

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Capt Manieri,

ADD has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence. ADD CAN be be defined as minor brain damage (Physician's Desk Reference) in that the part of the brain that is responsible for self-control doesn't function properly. So impulses are more likely to be acted upon because the brain doesn't make the Quality Assurance check before sending the signal out. Intelligence, which is hard to quantify anyway, does not seem to be affected by ADD.

I'll give another example from my stepdaughter (who is the reason I am boned up on this stuff). Imagine you are in a McDonald's. You see a tremedously fat guy walk in. You see him order 4 Big Macs, 2 large fries, a couple of shakes and an apple pie. You think to yourself, "man, he is fat, how can he eat all that crap?" My stepdaughter would blurt out "why is that man so fat?" This embarrasses the fat guy and us but not her. As soon as the thought forms she expresses it. No consideration of it appropriateness. One of the things we learn in life is what not to say and when not to say it; a sort of self-censorship. People with ADD have difficulty with this.

The medications that people referred to above work by stimulating the brain's control center to help kids stay "on task." But nothing cures it. Kids learn to manage it. People used to think kids outgrew ADD. It is now commonly accepted that they only learn to manage their ADD to get along. Using college as an example, ADD kids use tape-recorders to overcome the inability to pay attention to lectures.

None of this means you have ADD. The biggest thing in your "defence" on this is that you prefer CM to CC. If you were really ADD, it should probably be the other way around since CC plays so much faster...

I seem to have rambled a bit....

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Guest aka PanzerLeader

Manieri, if you're not good at mathematics, then you probably won't end up with a job that requires that kind of skills.

So, that maths test isn't so important for you. The important thing is to succeed where you're supposed to succeed.

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C'mon!!! Cheating is the gift man gives himself! If there's a way someone one can give themselves a leg up in the world without hurting anyone else it's his/her duty as a citizen of the world to do it.


And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh.


My website!

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Just because you won't use it, that doesn't mean you should cheat. I absolutely sucked at certain skills, while excelling at others. All the same, I never cheated on those that I didn't do so well in - but worked hard enough to pass them. I now work at a NASA site making quite a lot of money wink.gif Without cheating.

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I can understand you agreeing with Panzerleader but not Colin.

Cheating is for the weak. Giving yourself a leg up in the world is license to do anything. Go rob a bank, go steal a car, go shoplift, go give yourself that lift and be just another punk who undermines our eroding value system. If this math class is not important to your future then why do you feel the need to cheat? Getting a good grade that isn't earned is meaningless. Either you know the material or you don't. Go ahead and cheat and maybe you'll figure out that something that isn't earned has little value and offers little satisfaction. If this whole learning thing is too much of a hassle, then quit college and pump gas or if that isn't prestigious enough for you, you could always print your own diploma and forge a couple of transcripts. Be a pretender, be a fake.

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Guest aaronb

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colin:

[...]If there's a way someone one can give themselves a leg up in the world without hurting anyone else it's his/her duty as a citizen of the world to do it.


This statement in and of itself is a necessary condition for a 'good' action: behaviour that doesn't threaten your neighbour is socially allowed. But, it is not a sufficient condition: your behaviour has to be above 'allowed' to be good, or honourable.

Taken in context, this statement is _wrong_. Cheating on your exams does hurt other people: it cheapens the accomplishment of those who get by honestly. Imagine: everyone cheats and gets 90%. One guy does not cheat, getting an honest 70%. The teacher 'bell-curves', dragging the honest guy down to a fail. Employers and post-secondary educators know which schools are easy on marks, and mentally 'bell-curve' accordingly.

You cheat now, you'll cheat later by habit. I've caught 'cheaters' - e.g., people who lie on their resumes about what they can do - several times. I don't know where they are now. And you can't cheat in the 'real' world for long. The scrutiny is too intense, and the incentive to get rid of non-performers too strong.

For a good laymen's discussion on cheating vs earning, check out chapter six of 'Starship Troopers' (the book, not the execrable movie).

Finally: you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool yourself while remaining sane. Most internal stress is caused by the difference between image and reality.

Thank you for reading this far into my latest rant.

Notice the complete lack of smilies?

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