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Will i be able to choose my own units?

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I could not fine it anywhere so I'm asking it here. Will I be able to choose my own units a la Close Combat III in the final version of Combat Mission? I'd really like that. Just like in CC III. I usually have 3 Kingtigers when I fight in Berlin. It's just really cool to choose your own army. Another question will unit's gain experience? Will the unit's you have go with you to the next mission or will all the mission be loose missions?

Well thats it! Let me know!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GGM:

I could not fine it anywhere so I'm asking it here. Will I be able to choose my own units a la Close Combat III in the final version of Combat Mission? I'd really like that. Just like in CC III. I usually have 3 Kingtigers when I fight in Berlin. It's just really cool to choose your own army. Another question will unit's gain experience? Will the unit's you have go with you to the next mission or will all the mission be loose missions?


All of your questions have been discussed and answered many times before here on the forum. But, since you're evidently new here, I will take pity on you and answer your questions rather than telling you to learn how to use the search function. wink.gif

In a word, the answer to most of your questions is 'no.' There are no extended campaigns in CM, so there is insufficient time for units to gain meaningful experience and increase in quality. There ARE "Operations" in CM, which are a series of battles all fought in the same area, and in these you must conserve your force for future battles (plus of course there's the possibility of receiving reinforcements). In standalone scenarios you get the units that the scenario designer assigned you.

However, there is one case where you get to choose your own units: design-your-own (or quick start, or whatever BTS has decided to call them) scenarios in which you can select a map or randomly generate one, then assign point totals and buy units against your allowance.


Leland J. Tankersley

[This message has been edited by L.Tankersley (edited 06-12-2000).]

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In DYO (Design Your Own) quick scenarios with random map you will be free to purchase what you want.

In standard scenarios and operations however, you will be confined to what the designer has given you.

No, units will never gain experience as the game does not cover the time span necessary for real improvements to happen.

Units will carry over within the bounds of a single operation. An operation is a number (max 20 last time I hear) of battles developing dynamically over a larger map. It simulates fighting in an area over the time of one or several days (day, dawn/dusk and night combat can take place).

As the battles (fought on different portions of the larger map) flows back and forth you will be reinforced and take losses that will carry over to the next battle in the operation.


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You know, that brings up an interesting question. smile.gif

Between battles in operations, do the infantry squads that are still a unit (still have at least 1 man) get back any of their WIA since obviously a small number of casualties are actually KIA??

BTS, Madmatt, Fionn, Moon, KwazyDog?? anybody know?


Finally........Maximus...has come back.....to the Forum!!!

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Maximus, et. al.,

In a word, I believe the answer to your question is yes. This was discussed a long, long, time ago, but I do seem to recall that squads that were not at full strength between battles of a campaign would possibly (small random percentage chance probably) receive back some guys in form of WIA's returning to action (only lightly wounded I'd assume) and/or possibly a few replacements (probably from the motor pool, etc.) that might be sent up to help out.

Mikester out.

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