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Mines clearing

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Well I think that's more of a game mechanics thing than anything. So I mean, what's the procedure? One turn you move the engineers to a minefield. Then they get they get their sometime during that turn. And then the mines are cleared by the start of the next turn.

Remember the scope and scale of CM. Minutes instead of hours. Hours instead of days. Days instead of months. OH MY!

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Guest Big Time Software

Depends on the type of minefield. If it was just the Daisy Chain mines, that is possible. To put a small footpath through a 20m deep minefield, using satchel charges, you would be lucky to do this. I will check with Charles to make sure the times are functioning correctly.


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If there is a question mark in regard to the time taken to move/clear mines, I would also like to add another, in regard to proximity.

In VoT, I had moved a half-squad of engineers into a small patch of trees near the road, adjacent to the 'Achtung Minen Panzer' sign. They came under fire, and replied and were therefore unable to get to the road to clear the mines (daisy-chain or buried - not sure; still haven't finished and don't want to spoil the scenario)

I was surprised to see, after I think about three to four turns, the sign disapear (and presumably the mines). The closest that the half-squad was to the road - using the LOS tool - was 14 m and they were continuously engaged in firing.

This seems somewhat unlikely and unrealistic, assuming of course that the mines were actually in the road.

IMHO, mine clearing should not only be a slow process but should require very, very close proximity to the offending objects.

As a matter of interest, just prior to Alamein, a team of Brtish engineers (three each of sweepers, markers and lifters) could, working at top-speed, clear an eight foot strip, two hundred yards long, in an hour (3.3 yards per minute)

This would take longer with shell fire and much longer under machine gun fire etc.


Jim Crowley

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Another thing to keep in mind is to move slow. I had some engineers moving along both sides of the road and they missed a mine field in the road that my hunting sherman didn't miss. So I move the engineers up to a spot and leave them there for a minute or two to make sure I spot the mines before moving anything or anyone else up there.

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