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Appropriate Units Selection


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I think that maybe units costs should change according to scenario type. A probe scenario for instance could have Recon vehicles cheaper and medium and heavy tanks very expensive. Attack could have normal priced (same as now I mean) medium tanks but still have the assault tanks expensive and recon units expensive. Assault could have the heavy tanks priced as they are now and recon expensive and medium units raised like 10%.

It's just an idea that needs to be thought out more but it could be incorporated.

Now I'm just waiting for the people who think things out to come and tell me why this won't work.


And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh.


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Since I had this exact same thought, ( http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/010827-2.html ) I have little choice but to concur!

I would also propose (if it hasn't already been considered) to combine this with one of the ideas that BTS has been talking about on the "Cherry Picking" thread:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The rough system we are thinking of basically would "roll" to see what degree of rareness the particular vehicle will have for that particular battle. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The "roll" would be modified by the battle type in addition to historical factors.


Canada: Where men were men, unless they were horses.

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In some sense it's already accounted for in the different numbers of points available. In a "500 pt" qb, the defender has a fixed number of points, and the attacker has some multiple of that based on the type of attack (probe, attack, assault). All of them area facing the same defending force, and need to have enough stuff to defeat it. So in a probe you'll tend toward the lighter, faster (and cheaper) armor, while in an assault you might pick up a few heavies too.

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Intelweenie, is that "roll" system possibly going to be implemented in CM, or is it a CM2 thing?

Some sort of system like this would be GREAT for people like me who would love to make battles as realistic as possible, but simply lack the resources (reading material) and experience to properly do so.

Right now, I am trying to stick to basic units, all from the same category (ie: AIRBORNE) to attempt some newbie realism. I'm also grateful that CM allows you to purchase full Platoons, etc...

but I digress a bit.

(EDIT: I think all these discussions have struck up a fear in some of us newbies, that we will accidently appear "gamey" simply because we don't know every single possible factoid about WWII. I'm astounded at the knowledge many forum members have!)

(EDIT #2: Though I'm a wee newbie, I'm one of those people that would rather play a fun scenario, than "power game" to win. I care less about winning than having fun, and a hard fought victory is the sweetest... but I digress again...)

[This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 09-29-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 09-29-2000).]

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