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I had the chance recently to attend a Historical Miniatures Gaming Society convention in Gettysberg, PA. A full weekend of tabletop gaming with some of the biggest wargame geeks in the world. I was able to turn a number of gamers onto CM. Since I began playing I have come to assume everyone already knows about this game. They don't. I did everything but jump onto the table and shout. I'm hoping to find some local (eastern PA, South Jersey) opponents from this. Anyone out there fit this description?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Myself - Harrisburg

Elvis - Philly

Hiram Sedai - Philly

Peng - Scranton

Others, many others...


Croda, close, but not quite. Put on yer reading glasses and look at my profile, Gramps. hehe


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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