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Scenario Editor

Samuel E. C. K. II

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Major Holdridge,

First off, thank you for making a game that i have enjoyed from my mid-teens to my mid-twenties, games/simulators like that are few and far between.

My only issue with the simulator would be the limits in creating one's own solitare scenarios. With the addition of the map editor i've seen lots of custom maps pop up on the internet, as well as more two-player custom saved games set up to be a scenario.

Some people prefer a different game everytime like mutliplay provides, others enjoy perfecting their skill at the same task, and trying to get less and less casualty percentage in the same scenarios does get old :-p I've always really enjoyed scenario building, and I passionately enjoy the theme and battle features that TacOps provides... and I'd like to see how I could do setting up scenarios with decent AI directives/objectives to make the scenario interesting. The beauty with a game like this is that fan-contributions will come in a wide variety, from attempts to be as realistic as possible to others that might bring up ideas and possiblities with your own game engine/platform that even you had not considered ;)

Well, it's just something to consider... I'm an amatuer coder at best and can't really guess at how much an involved scenario-creation module would take to make - but it's a feature I'd like to see and will throw the idea out anyways. With or without such a feature I think there is little doubt that i would still purchase the next version or expansion of TacOps. smile.gif

Once again, thank you for the game!

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"Working on it but progress has been slow. I am begining to think that it would have been easier to build a new game engine"

I know nothing about how this program works, as I have not messed with the code (yet). Just a suggestion: Could you add some basic things that would be useful in making it easier.

All I have ever did in the past was change weapons, and add weapons/units to the one you already made. I have not even added a TOE or anything like that. Could something like that work for now?

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After doing the normal – hacks. It would seem that the easiest thing to do is change the map. I copied the original map from one file, and renamed it the map of the scenario I wished to use. I have not tested it in play. But it did come up with the new map.

Now that said (Major H is going to not be happy with this one). I would like to see a scenario with at lest Two AI players. Given the current situation the US and our valued allies find our selves in, and the history of this area, and conflicts in the area. Have three or more side fighting each other could be a great tool. As in once you know two side are fighting each other, let them have at it, and hit them in the flanks.

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