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Two video cards and demo picks the weak one

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I have two video cards installed: an 8 MB Voodoo2 and a 32 MB TNT2. Obviously, I'd rather use the latter. When I first ran the demo, I clicked OK to both of them. However, based on the choppiness of the graphics I strongly suspect it's not using the TNT2. I would have removed the Voodoo2 long ago, but some games actually run faster with it (Unreal engine, for example). I've got the latest drivers, DirectX, etc. How do I force CM to use the TNT2?

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There are a few tools around which allow you to switch between your Cards.

POWERSTRIP is one of them.

Look here : http://www.entechtaiwan.com/ps.htm

Good look.


P.S.: I´ve got a ELSA Erazor [TNT1] and a Diamond Monster2 [Voodoo2-16MB] myself and use my ELSA software to switch between graficdevices.


Sbelling chequed wyth MICROSOFT SPELLCHECKER - vorgs grate!

- The DesertFox -

Email: desertfox1891@hotmail.com

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I'm not very familiar with the Voodoo series of cards, but I've been told that there is a "DirectX" setting in the control panels for it. This should be under the Display Control Panel - Settings tab - Advanced button. One of the tabs here should probably relate to the Voodoo (3dfx) and there will probably be a button or checkbox to disable the Voodoo's DirectX usage. This may possibly require a reboot once you've made this change.

Once you've done this you will probably have to delete the "prefs" file in CM. Hopefully the next time you load up CM the resolutions you will be picking from will be DirectX accelerated by the TNT2.

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 05-21-2000).]

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Finally got it to work...

I deleted the prefs file (a preferences dialog would have made all this unnecessary...) and didn't click OK to the Voodoo2 resolutions. Then I got to the TNT2 ("Primary Display Driver") and clicked OK to the first one.

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Omer said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I deleted the prefs file (a preferences dialog would have made all this unnecessary...) and didn't click OK to the Voodoo2 resolutions<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Many thanks. I had the same problem and this cured it. At last, transparent buildings and smoke!

This is a clunky way of doing things, however. You have to sit there patiently while it slowly cycles through every Voodoo resolution and hz combination before clicking OK on a primary adaptor resolution. And if you are overly ambitious here and fps isn't high enough, there's nothing for it but to go back, delete the new prefs file, and sit through the whole process again.

I agree, a prefs dialog would be very nice (including all the graphics and sound options settings as well as vidcard and resolution).




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Actually, now that I think about it I'm more concerned that it switches the monitor's frequency without consulting the user. Some monitors have a nasty habit of catching on fire or exploding at high frequencies they don't support. As much as I enjoy realistic games...

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