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Would you see this in the movies, I was playing the US in the VOT and around turn 20, the jerries were on the run and I had secured the town and reduced them to rabble. the panther was the only worthy resistance left. The AI had parked it on the edge side of the bunker hill crest firing at anything it could see. The only tank I had was Sherm105, so I decided to attack the tank by running a squad around to the back through the trees on its left and bringing up a zook which ran up the hill just short the crest, but it was on the left side as well. My plan was to run around under the to the back of the tank and then whamo. Sorry about the long background, but this is what it's about. The panther saw the squad on the left and swung its turrent around, but just as the gun got to about 8 o'clock the crew spotted the zook at about 1 o'clock, the race was on, to my amazement I watch the zook racing against a very angry tank gun even though only lasted a few seconds I watch the traversing gun, stuff the olympic 100 metres this dash was worth more than gold I thought, and the little zook man run like the wind, I was starting to sweat, urging him on, thinking **** wil he make it. I was totally engrossed in the race, it was really like watching an action movie. The zook managed to get around to the back kneel down, take aim, I sure he had his finger ready to squeeze the trigger, but before he did Ka-boom......Damn what a scene thief, the Inf Squad let go with a rifle grenade lucky hit, the zook took all the risks and none the glory.

No computer game has ever captured my attention, like those few seconds of excitement great BTS thankyou.

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It grabs you doesn't it.

Tonight I had what was probably the best game of CM I have ever played. The scenario was gold Chance Encounter with axis +100%, I was playing as allies. This game basically had me on the edge of my seat for about an hour with about 5 or 6 German assaults on the allied held church.

By the time I first moved into the church with 1 platoon all 6 Stugs had been knocked out for the loss of 2 Shermans (lucky). The first german attack on the church happened about then, it was pretty small and was easily repulsed.

The second assault was another matter with fierce hand to hand combat occurring inside the church, this attack was only repulsed when 1 of my surviving tanks made a mad dash down the road, through the town and on to the Victory location near the church to offer fire support.

The third German assault and again they make it into the church. This time the reinforcement platoon makes it onto the scene and they force the Germans back again wiping out a German company hq (actually inside the church) in the process.

The fourth assault was the last one to truly push the allied defenders and when the Germans withdrew they left the remains of one of their Battalion HQ's on the field.

The last couple of assaults were pretty half hearted affairs made by troops that had already been chewed up in earlier attacks.

In the end of the approximately 250 Germans who participated in the assaults on the church 192 of them became casualties.

The allied defence totaled 82 men and 1 tank of these the tank escaped unscathed, although it had a number of near misses from panzerschrecks and panzerfausts, and the infantry suffered 46 casualties.

I took one screenshot of the approaches of the church at the end of the battle the number of German dead in that shot alone totaled 110.

This engagement makes me believe the AI doesn't need any tweaking to portray Russian attacks smile.gif .

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Say, I like this 'swapping ole war stories!' smile.gif

I suspect plenty there's more where this came from, but sadly it's spread over an increasing number of threads. Maybe we should devote a special thread to this. Or one of the growing number of CM sites could devote a page to it, titled 'Letters from the frontline' or somesuch. smile.gif

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