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In the interests of brotherhood

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Steve wrote

Rough shipping times...

US -> 2-3 days

Canada -> 4-6 days

Western Europe -> 8-10 days

All Oother places -> 10 days

This means if you're at the front of the queue and live in the U.S. you'll have the game at the latest early next week, whereas if you live somewhere like Australia it's more like early next month.

Now I'm sure everyone will agree that the shared pain of time spent waiting for CM has built up a strong spirit of brotherhood and camaraderie on this board. But given the different arrival times of the game, this could all be destroyed by the jealousy and envy of the have-nots, who will not be able to look at the board for fear of spoilers, and because they're getting sick of people gloating about all the fun they're having.

My suggestion is that rather than shipping the game by pre-order date, it should be shipped first to those it will take it longest to reach. First rest of the world, then Europe, Canada and last the U.S. That way everyone will get the game at about the same time, and the wonderful group we have will not dissolve into bitter acrimony, mutual recriminations, etc.

Disclaimer: The fact that I pre-ordered late and live outside North America in no way influenced the content of this post. This was written solely in the spirit of brotherhood.

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Guest Mirage2k

Well, you do bring up a good point about spoilers. People, PLEASE don't ruin it for the rest of us! At least put a big "**SPOILER**" warning in the thread subject line or at the top of a post. Some of us still won't have our copy of CM!


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I think that's a great idea! I'm certainly willing to give up the hours upon endless hours of fun and suspense so that someone else won't have to be jealous of me. In fact, when I get my copy, I'll FedEx it to you ASAP so I don't feel guilty about you're not having the game. I don't know if I could live with the thought of someone else not having that much fun while I was.

!!!*** N - O - T ***!!!


P.S. Forgot the smilies....;) :-P

[This message has been edited by ColumbusOHGamer (edited 06-13-2000).]

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There are no brothers here. Just potential victims, err, I mean, opponents.

/selfish mode on/ I pre-ordered the game nine months and one day ago. I don't want to wait one more second for this game. I wanna play this weekend. I want my gloating that I have the game to last as long as possible!



Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

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yes good idea PLZ PLZ dont give away anything from the game .im in australia too and im guessing we will get the game very late compared to the rest of the universe.or maybe put the SPOILER at the very start of your post and then we can skip past and save all the secrets from getting out.thank for your post all very thoughtful of all of you to think of the people who get the game late.cheers

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