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Best wargames of 1999 Awards on Gamer's Voice... WTF?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jern:

Dear Fionn,


What I don't like as well is the way you are pushing these "followers" into a direction and making everything else bad. Unfortunately, there are enough "followers" who are blindly taking up your opinion

a la "give me the e-mail and..."

This just expresses my opinion. I don't want to attack anyone and I hope I'm not flamed for this, but reading this thread I had to write something.


Pardon me while I unlimber my flame thrower...

Jern B.

As a mindless minion of the mighty Fionn, I find that your statement is rather insulting. You may have meant this as a statement to Fionn, but the way it comes across is that anyone who happens to agree with Fionn lacks the brain power to think for himself (or herself).

I think that Fionn has a great deal of knowledge and experience to impart, but I don't mindlessly ape everything that Fionn does, and I don't always agree with what Fionn says. I listen to what he has to say, and I judge his statements by their merits, not because it was Fionn who spoke.

Having un-lurked, I must now relurk before anyone sees me.


P.S. Why couldn't this have been a statement about MadMatt? I think that it sounds much better to be a mindless minion of MadMatt than it does to be a mindless minion of Fionn. I contemplated becoming a fanatic follower of the fabulous Fionn, but it just didn't have the impact of mindless minion. biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> But reading your above statement (you clearly say IMO), you have lost that. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

May I be the first to say huh?

WHAT statement are you referring to? My belittlement of the choice of AOK as "The Wargame of the Year" ?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> What I don't like as well is the way you are pushing these "followers" into a direction and making everything else bad. Unfortunately, there are enough "followers" who are blindly taking up your opinion

a la "give me the e-mail and..." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jesus Chris. Now if a wargamer complains about an RTS being chosen as wargame of the year and other wargamers agree with him they are "brainwashed".

It's a bloody perversion of reality to say that IMO.

Is that what you honestly mean or do you mean something else and are you just failing to communicate it in English.

Please state SPECIFICALLY what issues you have with specific statements and I'll be more than happy to discuss them with you.

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Guest Madmatt

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lurker:

P.S. Why couldn't this have been a statement about MadMatt? I think that it sounds much better to be a mindless minion of MadMatt than it does to be a mindless minion of Fionn. I contemplated becoming a fanatic follower of the fabulous Fionn, but it just didn't have the impact of mindless minion. biggrin.gif


Ummm, How did I get dragged into this!?! I don't care one stripped ass apes butt pipe who follows me or not. I am not some magic shaman that has powers of mind control over the memebers of this board...UNDERSTAND....NO CONTROL...WHATSOEVER...YOU ARE GETTING SLEEPY...SOOOO SLEEPY>>><<<>>><<>>><<OBEY>><<>><<>><<OBEY YOUR MASTER>>><<<>>><<>><<>>VISIT CMHQ>><<>><<>><<>>><<>>VISIT FREQUENTLY>>><<<><>><><><><><><<><>

Madmatt ><<><><><><><><>OUT


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But Fionn, so far when I read your articles, you have been for me a kind of a neutral person (read, taking a neutral stance on all games).

But reading your above statement (you clearly say IMO), you have lost that.

I will see you from now on only as a fan of CM, whenever I read something from you (TGN or somewhere else). To be a fan of something is not bad, I'm a fan of one sports club, but you don't qualify anymore as a person with a neutral perspective.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't follow this logic at all. While you could somehow scratch up a possible case for this statement in some other thread that proclaims the virtues of CM vs other wargames, Fionn didn't even mention CM one iota (IIRC) in his initial post. The first mention of CM in fact was in the seventh message, when Los stated his opinion that CM beta demo could beat all the nominated games for the title. Had Fionn posted "What a crock, They shoulda nominated CM, cause the beta demo blows em all away", then you might have a point, but this is not the case.

This whole post is about the sillyness of Gamer's Voice declaring AOK the "Best Wargame" award winner. AOK isn't a wargame. it's a RTS. All the other games nominated were wargames, or at least you could make an arguement on it's behalf. But to declare AOK Best Wargame of 1999 is pretty weak.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What I don't like as well is the way you are pushing these "followers" into a direction and making everything else bad. Unfortunately, there are enough "followers" who are blindly taking up your opinion

a la "give me the e-mail and..." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is kind of insulting to most of the readers of this forum. I'd say there are few, if any, lemmings wandering the wargame wasteland, looking toward Fionn for hope and direction. I don't even know what your quoted statement (give me the email and...) refers to, since I don't see it anywhere in this thread.

This is not a flame. I just think your opinion is unfounded and misguided.


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Originally posted by Jern:

Dear Fionn,

But Fionn, so far when I read your articles, you have been for me a kind of a neutral person (read, taking a neutral stance on all games).

But reading your above statement (you clearly say IMO), you have lost that.

I will see you from now on only as a fan of CM, whenever I read something from you (TGN or somewhere else).

Since when does having opinions denigrate the value of ones speach, or their objectivity for that matter? Even objective analysis has opinion in it. A good analysis will have it's opinions backed up with relevant facts, but you can't talk about something subjective like game value without opinions. BTW, show me a work the author claims to be "unbiased", and I'll show you a subtle, or even blatant piece of propaganda.


He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

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