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Need a clue about ICQ

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Okay folks, someone want to clue me in on what ICQ is, how to tell if I have it, and how it makes my PBEM experience better? Seriously, several PBEM opponents have sent me their ICQ addresses. What am I supposed to do with them and how do I get one of my very own? What will it do for me?

I'd appreciate the education.

[This message has been edited by USTanker (edited 09-16-2000).]

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

ICQ is the standard though...get icq... aim will find you far fewer opponents...

By the way, Elvis was also a strong supporter of Beta's instead of VHS,and 8 tracks....


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Beta WAS better than VHS. Just like MAC is supposed to be better than a PC but many more people buy PCs.

As far as finding more people to play against with one or the other I have never FOUND anyone to play against with either. I have found people to against here on this board.My foe would just ask me if I had ICQ or I would ask if they had AIM. AIM takes about five minutes to get and set up so we pretty much all use it (not Fionn.. I think he has issues with AOL like I have with Coors products {Coors will never get any of my money}).

Giftig, the ironic the is that the instant messenger that AOL has does not have file transfer. If you are AOL you must still download AIM.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Attention anyone reading this who has/is getting ICQ. I have 20 combat mission players on my list, and many of them are the type to send 6 or more turns a day. If anyone wants to get these numbers, just add me to youricq and I will send the contacts.

my icq# is 47728933 smile.gif

and Elvira, I was only guessing about you having a Beta fetish; I was LMAO when I saw it was actually true.. LOL tongue.gif

how many cm players do you have on the AIM list, hmmm?

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Wrong on both counts hammereheads. The reason I got both a PC and VHS is because of the reasons listed above. It is however true that I had 8tracks.

My AIM list right now is all the people I play against on a regular basis. Peng,Berli, Goanna, Moriarty, my father and Seanitea is on although I have yet to play him. I'm not trying to talk people into AIM just stating fact that for file transfer and sending messages AIM is MUCH MUCH quicker. Hey Foo, why don't we a go a round? One night we use ICQ the next AIM. I've always wanted to get smacked around by you and your little bitch. Send me a setup if you're interested my email is in my profile. (I know it's an AOL address but I get it for free.)


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

(slaps Elvira about the head and shoulders...)

Thats it boy.....I have always wanted to smack down an alternative product wierdo, but I will have to go ICQ & email. I may stoop low enough to play you a game, but I can't go so low as to install AIM on my pc. I have a little pride left....

Let me finish off one of my games first, and I will send you a setup. If I play more than 3 games simultaneously I pee my pants and forget my name for a half hour. Its just too strenuous.

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OK...your loss. If you want to continue to use an inferior product that is your prerogative. There once were people who thought the writing was much less useful than grunting.

I'm not trying to convert anyone. I couldn't care less what you degenerates do. Just trying to help a newbie.


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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