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scale and camera level

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i guess its curiosity more than anything, but at what "scale", and at what camera level do most of you play at the majority of the time. i realize we switch camera levels from time to time depending on circumstances.

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I always use "realistic" scale, though I cheat by using bases so I can actually see the units. I personally don't find the bases distracting but that's probably a holdover from my miniature gaming days.

I use all of the views at one point or another. "1" for the best view of LOS and ground contours. "2" is my default view for important combat, i.e. did my Jackson kill the Tiger or not (sorry Arien, but you got revenge on my JgPanther smile.gif). "3" for a localized view of the replay, "4" for a broader view of the replay. "5" is primarily for tight movement orders such as in a house where I need to be very precise. "6" is the most common movement orders screen. "7" is good for long LOS checks. Come to think of it I'm not sure I do use "8" ... have to check that one out smile.gif I guess I would use "2", "3" and "6" most often.


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On large maps I use 8 for my first playback of each turn. That way I am not surprised by units entering from the map edge (often as sound contacts) that would not show up in any other view (including 7).

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Guest Michael emrys

I use realistic scale with bases always.

My most frequent camera view is 3 as that gives a useful height but is close enough to the action for most things. Sometimes watching the replay I will put the camera down in the midst of the action with a 1 view as that can reveal a lot of what is going on.

For precise placement of units, especially in buildings, I use a 3 view with maximum camera dip of 10 as for me the 6 view puts me too far away.


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