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Silly terrain in Quick Battles

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I've been having a great deal of fun with quick battles, but I've seen some odd things with the terrain. When I choose "moderate hills," the computer will often put a road on hills that can't be driven over. In one battle, there was this big flat-topped hill right in the middle of the map. It was almost sheer-sided, yet it had a road going over it (looked like a helipad on top). My Panther wisely rerouted itself around it instead of trying to climb it. I'll have to try for this with Shermans; I've read that they could climb ridiculously steep slopes, and I wonder if CM models this.

That same battle put a village on the side of a long hill that took up most of one side of the map. Reminded me of small towns I lived in in Pennsylvania. Rather tricky to fight through in tanks.

So, what's the silliest terrain you've seen the computer come up with? Did you change it in the editor, or try to work around it?

-- 19 Echo

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Pyramid hills...I guess they could be livable but I don't like them. Also I was using the editor and noticed that if I try to do a sunken road, if there are bocage or hedgerows on either side they form a jagged line of pyramids. I'm sure this can be done without them, I'm just trying to figure out how.


"It's a hardball world son. We've got to keep our heads until this peace craze blows over."

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