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StuGs Popping smoke?

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Dumb question, maybe...

...but I was just playing CE for the zillionth time, as Amis, this go. So a mass of Sherms (4) is taken on by a pair of StuGs, and the first panzer is neatly dispatched with no loss- Gott mit uns.

The second StuG does a column left (German perspective) and a single smoke column appears in front of his position. Now, I have replayed this sucker a jillion times and counted the before-and-after shells of all types in the rack on all my M4s, and I swear no US unit fired a smoke round (as far as I know, there's nothing else available in CE that could fire a Smoke, except another STuG- hmmm). The smoke was IMMEDIATELY in front of the StuG.

OBA could theoretically have fired it, but they never fire just one, and never with such precision or timing (it was right at the 60 sec counter, too).

Do they have any smoke grenades on board I don't know about? I mean,this smoke column was a couple meters in front of the panzer, perfect LOS blockage to the Sherms.

[This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 01-10-2000).]

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Not a dumb question smile.gif

Apparently self preservation ranks high for these vehicles. I once had a Sherman going up the rise on the left (CE) and as it approached the woods a panzershreck hidden in the woods took a shot at it. I think the 'shreck hit the tank but with no damage. Never-the-less the sherman laid a smoke right in front of itself and began backing down the hill to put distance btween itself and the shooter. It remembered that 'schreck too, and later started pumping shells at the team until it wiped them out. It was still reluctant to climb back up that hill for about 3 turns. It's reassuring to know you don't have to think for them all the time. smile.gif

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Mark IV,

That StuG saw 4 Shermans aiming at it and said "Hell no, I'm laying down some smoke."

The TacAI decided to fire smoke to provide protection from your Shermans. You should see the TacAI when you have a King Tiger.. Every Sherman in sight starts popping smoke and reversing wink.gif. It's quite funny really.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Thanks all for the responses!

Moon: I did look at the unit capabilities, one of the first things I did when I got curious. I'm not seeing anything about smoke dischargers, or Nachverteidigunswhatevers, at all. I'm convinced that that's what happened (or that it fired it's own main gun, though that seems a little less likely, since it should have had an AP up) but my beta doesn't seem to mention it... am I missing something?

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Guest Madmatt

Mark IV,

No your not missing anything! Moon is suffering from a common disease of all the old school beta testers called "IFORGOTWHATTHEDEMOHADINITITIS". Now since I am a newer inductee into this hallowed group I can assure you that the vehicle info in the Demo does NOT say anything about Smoke Dischargers and other auxillary weaponry but the most current Beta Version (the one Moon and Fionn, and other Beta testers are playing) does have it in there... biggrin.gif

The STuG has Smoke Dischargers in the demo and thats what it used to lay that smoke, it just doesn't say that in the info screen.

Madmatt out... wink.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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How VERY cool.

Obviously you have a shortage of beta testers with recent memories of the released beta demo. I am willing to help in this crisis- and could sacrifice considerable personal time to assist in what must be a very tedious task for you all. Just let me know... biggrin.gif

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I have yet to see smoke used by the AI, either for my side (Tac AI) or used by the enemy - does it happen frequently? I was surprised when last night I was playing Last Defense, and my Tiger calmly sat back and toyed with the HellKittens as it eliminated all three in turn. I thought for sure that at least the third one would have popped some smoke after seeing the 1st two buy it at long distance. Do infantry teams have it??

On another note, in the game last night, my Tiger was charged by a Mortar team (who still had their mortar) - it was a riot! My tiger had just crossed the bridge and veered to the left side of the road. It started to head up the hill when a hidden Mortar team popped up and ran straight to their deaths. I guess that was enough to make the rest of the Americans surrender.

Absolutely incredible game.

CrapGame out...

(in the doghouse again)

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I've seen it used to good effect several times, most often in CE. In one event I was commanding US vs the AI's Germans. I had 2 Shermans watching that ridge north of the church. A StuG popped up and whacked a Sherman with its first shot (both Shermans missed theirs) and then it popped smoke. My remaining Sherman kept the target line for a few seconds, then switched to some infantry. A few seconds later the StuG popped up just to one side of the smoke plume and whacked the other Sherman.


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Guest Madmatt

Well its probably safe to say that I have ruined any chances of any other 'new' Beta testers being assigned! wink.gif Imagine if the next guy was LIKE me!?! (shudder)...

My experience in the beta goes like this:

'Hey Guys did you know that blah blah blah does blah blah!?!" to which they inevitably respond "Umm, Yeah Matt we have known for MONTHS about that!" and then I go "Oh, well how about blah blah..." and so it continues... rolleyes.gif

It's amazing what a blurry picture taken in a motel room and threat of full disclosure can get you these days! biggrin.gif

Actually there were reasons for my ascension into the holy of holies and you will hear about these soon enough... wink.gif

As to the offers for help, well I am MAD after all so I don't mind the work load...It keeps me centered! tongue.gif

Madmatt out cool.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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